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Safer Journeys Ahead Road Safety Teacher Training


Norfolk County Council Road Safety Team is excited to announce the introduction of our enhanced and nationally recognised Safer Journeys Ahead programme for 2024 - 2025.

School 2 School Support Service update


Information about changes to the School 2 School (S2S) Support Service.

New Alternative Provision offer for primaries and secondaries at The Garage

The Garage offers tailored educational activities for schools, including courses, clubs, and workshops in dance, drama, and music. Our expert team ensures hassle-free management, from contracting professional artists to completing risk assessments. Discover how we can inspire young people and develop their skills...

The Henry Smith Charity Holiday Grants

The purpose of the Holiday Grants programme is to provide access to recreational trips or holidays for groups of children who experience disadvantage or who have disabilities. In particular they are interested in contributing to trips that would not take place without the Henry Smith Charity Holiday Grants funding.

New Model for SEND High Needs EHCP Operational Delivery

FAO : Head Teachers, SENDCo, Inclusion Leads, Schools, Early Years Settings, Further Education Setting SENDCo and Inclusion Leads, 30 August 2024 10:06

Redesigned High Needs SEND Teams for operational delivery of Statutory Needs Assessments and associated work under Children and Families Act duties 2015 for Education, Health and Care Plans case work.

Senior Leader Briefings: statutory assessment responsibilities

These senior leaders briefings will equip those responsible for assessment in their setting with a clear understanding of their statutory assessment responsibilities throughout the primary phase for 2024- 2025. The briefings will comprise teacher assessment requirements, LA moderation processes and school moderation requirements, testing, access arrangements, and requirements for reporting to LA and to parents.

Required Finance Training


To help schools complete their required finance training for audit purposes, the training team have produced the new finance training programme for the coming academic year.

In Year Admission Applications


Information is provided on making decisions on in year admissions, together with the limited grounds for refusing admission.

Food vouchers for Free School Meal eligible pupils Sept 2024 to Oct 2024 - Update


Following the release of MI Sheet 69/24 , the following information is to notify schools that the Household Support Funding as things stand is coming to an end, therefore we are requesting that the final September & October vouchers are raised together at the start of September.

Revised Norfolk Fair Access Protocol

The consultation on the revised Norfolk Fair Access Protocol is now complete and the revised Protocol came into effect on 19 August 2024.

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