Norfolk Early Years and Childcare Jobs
Education Job Finder for Early Years and Childcare Job Vacancies
Further to the closing down of the Norfolk Early Years and Childcare Jobs website, we have now secured the Education Job Finder job board (operated by Education HR within Norfolk County Council) to advertise your Early Years and Childcare vacancies. Education Job Finder is a well-established jobs board, which advertises education related vacancies in the eastern region. It has thousands of jobseekers visiting each month and the team behind it work proactively to increase the number of jobseekers viewing the site.
Following discussions within Norfolk County Council, Education Job Finder has been developed to accommodate the advertising of early years and childcare vacancies, in addition to education related vacancies.
Please note there continues to be no charge to you for advertising, provided you are a Norfolk based, Ofsted registered setting.
From 1 August 2022 please send any advert requests to
To ensure that the team gets all the information they require to upload your vacancy effectively please ensure you:
- Complete the Instruction to Advertise form (Childcare settings) (Word doc, 52 KB) and email it to
- Include your organisation logo (logo is required for your first advert only)
- Include your advert text on a word document
You can also download the instruction to advertise form (childcare) on Education Job Finder.
Facebook - Once your vacancy is live on Education Job Finder please click on the Facebook icon and add the link to the Norfolk Early Years & Childcare Jobs Facebook group. This will ensure your vacancy reaches as wide an audience as possible. Please contact the Education HR Resourcing team at if you have any questions regarding recruitment advertising.
The Norfolk Early Years and Childcare Jobs Facebook group is a platform for Norfolk's early years and childcare settings to advertise vacancies to those seeking a job in the sector. Please add your vacancies to Education Job Finder first and then add the link to the Facebook group.
Norfolk Early Years and Childcare Jobs | Facebook
The group is solely for advertising jobs in registered early years and childcare settings, it is not a forum for discussion or comments. Job seekers are required to make direct contact through the job advert and not via the Facebook group.
If you did not find what you were looking for, email or call 01603 222300