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School budget share

School budget share provides a detailed breakdown of a school's budget. It details the amounts a school will receive through each of the funded factors. 

The school budget share is updated monthly with any changes.

View a school budget share

Important information for academies

  • Please note that because academies operate on an academic year (September - August) and not a financial year (April - March), budget share changes will not come into effect until September and final funding will be confirmed via the GAG statement.

  • Academies' budget shares have been calculated by us, using the same funding formula as maintained schools. They are indicative of the amount that academies will receive in their allocation from the Education Funding Agency (EFA). However, the budget share figure we produce is not the final figure that academies will actually receive from the EFA. This is because the Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) /Funding Cap we calculate is notional. The EFA produces a final MFG/ Funding Cap calculation. This is based on the previous year's actual academy allocation. The actual final amount received by academies may therefore by higher or lower than the budget share we calculate

  • Budget share does not show figures for nursery classes. We pay academies for these via a separate arrangement
  • Pupil premium figures for Free Meal Eligibility (FME) Ever 6 and service children are estimates. Figures are based on prior year data from the EFA. Actual allocations will be paid by the EFA directly to academies

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