School management & admin
Leadership support
Updates for leaders and information about services and strategies
Guidance for school and pupil, and staff census returns
School term dates
School term and holiday dates and calendars on the Norfolk County Council website
Free school meals
Advice for schools about free school meal applications
School admissions
Department for Education guidance and information for parents in Norfolk
School performance and statutory assessment/testing
Sources of data to support schools with self-evaluation and improvement initiatives
Includes coronavirus guidance, emergency school closures and critical incidents
The Governance Service
Access to high quality support and professional development
School organisation changes
Consultations, schools organisation and academy conversions
Site management
Managing and maintaining schools sites and premises, including shared use
Health safety and wellbeing services
Options and packages available for Norfolk Education providers
Pupil numbers forecast
How pupil forecast information is used and how to access the data
Entertainment licensing
Advice and guidance on entertainment and alcohol licensing
School registration form
A blank registration form template for use by schools
Norfolk Key Stage 2 Challenge
Welcome to the home of the Norfolk Key Stage 2 Challenge
Children's Advice and Duty Service (CADS)
Getting the right support to children and families