Web pages in Safeguarding section
Contact safeguarding team
Get in touch with the safeguarding team
Safeguarding forms and templates
Quick links to forms and templates designed to help you with your safeguarding functions including model policy
Safeguarding news & updates
Access management information sheets and other resources to update your safeguarding knowledge
Safeguarding information, guidance, and resources to help education settings maintain high standards of safeguarding practice
Safeguarding news

Free ICT for Education conference - 9 May 2025
ICT for Education conferences are designed to inform and inspire the teaching of Computing and to encourage best practice in the use of ICT across the curriculum and throughout the school.

Launch of Eastern Protect website, a police led resource to counter fraud and cyber threats
The aim of this police resource is to raise fraud and cyber crime awareness and provide expert advice to individuals and organisations across the Eastern Region.

Protective Preparedness for Education Settings Webinar
The Department for Education (DfE) in partnership with the National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) invite you to a webinar relevant to those working in education settings. The DfE Counter Terrorism Protect and Prepare Team will provide you with an overview and update on the proposed Protection of Premises Bill, also known as 'Martyn's Law', and its implications for the education sector. NaCTSO will also provide a briefing on how to consider terrorism protection and preparedness in your setting.

Safeguarding procedures for external speakers in educational settings
Education settings have a responsibility to ensure that the people they invite to speak are suitable and that all safeguarding procedures are followed.
Web pages related to Safeguarding

Social media
Norfolk safeguarding team on X (formerly Twitter)