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Nomination of Primary LA Maintained School Representative on the Norfolk Schools Forum

FAO: LA Maintained School Leaders and Governors , 17 December 2024 09:37

The Norfolk Schools Forum is an important statutory body which makes decisions on certain school funding issues and, at times, must be consulted by the Local Authority on other funding issues. We currently have a vacancy for a Primary LA Maintained School representative. As we continue to have a primary governor and a headteacher on schools forum, the third representative can be either a headteacher or governor.

In line with regulations, we now invite nominations for representation from all Primary LA Maintained Schools in Norfolk. Nominations may be for Headteachers or Governors. Each school or federation can nominate one headteacher and/or governor to be considered.

The term of office for Schools Forum members is four years. There are six scheduled meetings in a year. Please note the next meeting is at 9am on the 31 January at County Hall.

Members are asked to attend all meetings, however in exceptional circumstance the Clerk to Forum will arrange for a substitute if a member is unable to attend. It is expected that the representative makes opportunities to communicate and where needed to discuss issues and take soundings from the broader sector they are representing, so that their view and vote is informed by as many as possible and is impartial in relation to the school(s) they work with. You will need good knowledge of school finance and a willingness and interest in getting into the detail.

Completed nomination papers must be returned by Friday 10 January 2025 all papers received after this date will not be accepted.

Returned nomination papers can be emailed to

Last modified: 17 December 2024 09:38

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