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Road Safety Magic Show - Years 3 & 4


Empower your Year 3 & 4 pupils with the knowledge needed to stay safe when walking, wheeling, and cycling

Summer Reading Challenge - School Pack

The Reading Agency and libraries are on a mission with a UK-wide programme: the Summer Reading Challenge. You can make a huge difference this year by encouraging your pupils to take part in the Challenge over the holidays

Road Safety In Schools: 'Eyes Up, Slow Down, Cross Safely' Campaign


THINK! has launched a new campaign to help parents prepare their children for independent travel, especially when transitioning to secondary school.

Updated Pupil Premium Plus funding guidance for Norfolk Children in Care


Please familarise yourself with the new process for accessing exceptional funding in 2024-25 financial year

School Sixth Form High Needs Funding Applications

Information and guidance on applying for high needs funding for students who are in school sixth forms with SEN needs who are requiring additional support.

Post 16 Pupil Premium Plus request guidance 2024-25


Guidance for designated teachers on Post 16 Pupil Premium Plus funding for the 2024-25 financial year.

Asbestos control and management compliance code - update and action


The Asbestos control and management compliance code has been updated. Headteachers should complete the revised asbestos management plan document, implement the correct controls, as detailed in F602 and in the updated compliance code, and ensure that relevant staff have completed the required training.

New appointment to the Children's Services Extended Leadership Team


Jane Hayman, currently the Headteacher of Fred Nicholson Special School, will be joining the Children's Services Extended Leadership Team from Monday 15 April