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Learning and Inclusion

Education Strategy and Infrastructure Service

Education Strategy and Infrastructure Service

  • School capital
  • School finance
  • School organisation and Partnerships
  • Admissions & Place planning
  • School's HR & Workforce
  • Post 16

The Education Strategy and Infrastructure service is made up of a number of teams focused on creating and maintaining the conditions where sustainably good schools and providers enable learners to thrive.

The Participation and Transition Strategy Team manages a range of functions to support post-16 learners to engage in education, employment and training. They actively track participation of 16 and 17-year old students in Norfolk and provide guidance and support to learners at risk of NEET. Employer engagement, TITAN travel training, support for work experience, information, advice, guidance and support for trainee and apprenticeships form part of their work.

Our team of partnership advisers focus on school support and development by working with schools on a wide range of issues, including leadership development and structural change. We also maintain links with the Headteacher and Governor associations, with Norfolk's Dioceses, with Academy Trusts, with the Teaching Schools Hubs and with other providers of school improvement services. We actively promote collaboration to support improvement, often through curriculum focused projects.

The Service includes a number of teams which support the educational infrastructure through both statutory functions and traded services. We plan for sufficient school places, implement school organisation changes, lead on capital developments, oversee mainstream and post 16 transport policy, coordinate admissions, provide Schools HR and School Finance Services.

Assistant Director:

Samantha Fletcher:01603 638581 or

Senior team and managers:

Transition and Participation Strategy Manager
Karin Porter: 01603 679174 or

Provider Strategy Manager
Jennifer Clark: 01603 638379 or

Capital Sufficiency Delivery Manager
Isabel Horner: 01603 222246 or

Head of Schools Finance
Alison Randall: 01603 224273 or

School Organisation Manager
Caroline Money: 01603 228828 or

Admissions Manager
Eric Clarke: 01603 223489 or

Place Planning Manager
Paul Harker: 01603 223548 or

Schools HR Manager
Ian Cooper: 01603 222897 or

Schools HR Business Partner
Kate Philpin: 01603 306274 or

Partnerships Team

Senior Advisers, Strategy and Partnership
Victoria Groom: 01603 303307 or
Karen Hutchison: 01603 223906 or

Adviser, School Improvement
Denise Beckett: 01603 638003 or

Adviser, School Workforce and Improvement
Katie Leightell: 01603 303306 or

Service support

Service Support Manager
Michelle Smith: 01603 222994 or

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