About this toolkit
Help to maintain high standards of safeguarding practice through the development of a rigorous, whole-school approach that exceeds statutory requirements
Legislation and reviews
Including best practice, guidance, and safeguarding practice reviews
Model policy and key questions to consider when reviewing your policy
Roles and responsibilities
Leadership responsibilities for safeguarding arrangements
Training and webinars
Safeguarding training, updates and webinars
Monitoring and evaluation
Includes management oversight, DSL meetings, reflective practice groups, joint agency group supervision and audits
Multi agency working and consent
Including multi-agency working, information sharing and consent.
Safer recruitment and safer working practice in education settings
Includes information, advice and guidance, employment checks and references, templates, how to report allegations or concerns, and whistleblowing.
Record keeping
Information about maintaining and auditing safeguarding records for children, staff and adults in education settings.
Gaining pupil voice
Information and resources on listening and taking into account individual children's wishes and undertaking whole setting pupil perception surveys.
Operation Encompass
Supporting children and young people who may have been exposed to domestic abuse
Sexual violence and sexual harassment
Information and resources to help tackle sexism and sexist language in education settings; includes information on the Bystander Intervention Programme.
Specific safeguarding concerns
Includes Prevent Duty, sexual abuse, exploitation, female genital mutilation and private fostering