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DOWIMM scheme for Norfolk schools

A Direction Off-Site With Intent to Managed Move (known as a 'DOWIMM', previously referred to as a Managed Move trial) refers to an intervention used by schools with the explicit aim of improving behaviour. Well-supported DOWIMMs can allow pupils a fresh start, resulting in a pupil improving behaviour and thereby their academic outcomes and wellbeing.

During a DOWIMM, a pupil is directed off-site to another mainstream setting. This period will usually last for eight weeks and the pupil will be dual registered at both schools. If this period of off-site direction achieves its objectives, then the pupil will move onto single roll at the receiving school (a 'Managed Move').

As per Department for Education (DfE) guidance, a DOWIMM should always be in the best interests of the child and should be undertaken in agreement with the child and their family. Schools should also consult with their linked Inclusion Adviser when considering a DOWIMM. It would be expected that schools will have explored a comprehensive range of internal behaviour interventions before exploring a DOWIMM.

It should be noted that if a pupil has an EHCP or is currently living in care, then a DOWIMM will not usually be considered appropriate.

For further information, please see the linked documents on this web page. (Note: documents are currently being updated and will be posted shortly.)

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