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Identifying deafness

The following may indicate a potential hearing loss:

  • Does not come when called.
  • Watches faces/lips intently.
  • Constantly asks for repetition.
  • Does not always follow instructions straightaway.
  • Often misunderstands or ignores instructions.
  • Watches what others are doing before doing it themselves.
  • Frequently seeks assistance from peers.
  • Either talks too loudly or too softly.
  • Appears inattentive or as though day dreaming.
  • Makes little or no contribution to class discussions.
  • Complains about not being able to hear.
  • Tires easily.
  • Becomes easily frustrated.
  • Seems socially isolated and less involved in social group activities.

In addition, it is possible that a child who does not meet standards in the phonics screen check at the age of 6 may be experiencing hearing difficulties.

Children with temporary hearing loss may demonstrate these behaviours intermittently.

If any member of staff is concerned that a child may have an undiagnosed hearing loss staff should discuss the matter with parents/carers and suggest that their child is taken to the GP.

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