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Finance courses for Norfolk LA maintained schools

We deliver finance training to maintained schools in line with the Local Authorities Risk Management plan. All courses for maintained schools are provided at no additional cost (unless otherwise stated) based on one of the Finance Support services (Enhanced or Standard Support) being purchased.

Financial training on offer includes the following.

Finance staff programme

This programme has been specifically designed to provide finance staff and business managers with the financial skills needed to effectively operate and manage finances within Norfolk LA maintained schools.

We offer a mixture of classroom-based, webinar and eLearning courses covering important financial topics including budgeting and protecting public money, along with courses focussing on specific areas of finance administration.

We also offer a comprehensive finance induction programme to ensure new finance staff can quickly learn the skills needed for their new role.

A list of all courses and further information can be found in the Finance Training for Finance Staff brochure (PDF, 469 KB).

Headteachers programme

This training programme aims to provide school leaders with the financial skills and knowledge needed to effectively manage finances within schools. Courses in this programme are ideal for new and existing Headteachers, Deputies and aspiring Leaders.

We offer a mixture of classroom-based, webinar and e-learning courses covering important financial topics including budgeting, protecting public money, and achieving financial health.

A list of all courses and further information can be found in the Finance Training for Headteachers brochure (PDF, 464 KB).

Governors programme

We offer a wide range of classroom-based, webinar, and e-learning courses designed for governors to help them understand how finances work and their responsibilities towards strategic financial management.

All courses in this programme are designed around the key role that governors play in their schools. This means that as well as learning about a particular area of finance, governors will also gain a practical understanding of the evidence that would provide assurance that their school is financially well managed.

A list of all courses and further information can be found in the Finance Training for Governors brochure (PDF, 406 KB).

Finance in Education qualification

Our professional Finance in Education Qualifications offer an ideal way for finance staff to develop the skills and knowledge needed to administer and manage finances needed within schools and academies.

Please see the Qualifications page for further information.

NOTE: All finance training that schools undertake is linked to the RAG Matrix of risk management used by the authority as an indicator of financial management in schools.


Our customers can also make use of NCC's HR and learning management system, myOracle, to access our finance e-learning modules and a range of additional online material (e.g. video presentations) to help support learning.

Access to the learning area that hosts all of our online courses and material is provided as part of the general access to the myOracle system given to all employees of NCC LA maintained schools.

If you are struggling to access the myOracle system, please contact the HR advice and support team on email at or by telephone to 01603 307760.

If you can access the system but are struggling to find our courses, in the first instance please try using the search term Education Finance; all of our courses should then appear. If you still encounter any issues, please contact the training team on or 01603 306407.


Governors are able to book places on webinar and classroom-based courses via GovernorHub.

Our e-learning courses and online resources are hosted via the Modern Governor platform that can be easily accessed on GovernorHub.

There are links provided at the top of the Training section within GovernorHub that will take you to the log in page of Modern Governor, or a registration section for first time users. Once on the main page of Modern Governor, there is a helpful Getting started section that will guide you through the process of accessing and completing online courses.

If you encounter any difficulties accessing the Modern Governor platform, please contact their helpdesk on or 0345 0744 114.

For further information or help with finance training, please call us on 01603 306407 or email

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