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Other funding for early years providers

Early years funding opportunities

There are a number of funding sources available to childcare providers in Norfolk who have signed the Local Agreement to offer the Early Education entitlements or offer Wraparound Childcare. The purpose of this funding is to support the Local Authority to improve outcomes for children and meet its childcare sufficiency duty by assisting in the costs to provide high quality affordable childcare in Norfolk.

To apply, it will be necessary to comply with specific criteria. When an application is received, applicants are reminded that -

  • there is no guarantee that funding will be awarded by the panel
  • unless stated, the funding is revenue and cannot be used for capital works
  • panel may award funding with conditions
  • where an award is agreed, a contract or email offer will be issued
  • the payment of an award will not be actioned without the return of a signed contract or confirmation that the conditions will be met
  • awards may be paid in instalments
  • awards are subject to monitoring

Funding and grants available -

Childminder Grants

Start Up for Ofsted Registered Childminders (£600)
Contributes towards the cost of opening a new provision
To apply for this grant, please download the application and submit via email to

Start Up Grant Application for Ofsted Registered Childminders (Word doc) [51KB]

Development for Ofsted Registered Childminders (£1000)
Contributes towards the cost of increasing number of places offered to families
To apply for this grant, please download the application and submit via email to

Development Grant Application for Ofsted Registered Childminders (Word doc) [56KB]

Quality and Inclusion (£500)
Contributes towards the purchase of resources and equipment
To apply for this grant, please download the application and submit via email to

Quality and Inclusion Grant Application for Childminders (Word doc) [56KB]

Provides financial help when the business has lost income due to a families change in circumstances.  To find out if it is possible to apply, please email

PVI Sector, Section 27 School and Nursery Class Provision Grants

To apply for any of these grants, please submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) form via email to

The EOI will be reviewed by panel where the following will be determined -

  • an application form will be issued
  • a meeting will be arranged to discuss your enquiry
  • the EOI is placed on hold
  • the EOI is declined

Childcare Development (up to £10,000)
Contributes towards the cost to development a new provision by a new or existing provider or expansion of an existing childcare business. This is revenue and/or capital funding.

Development Grant Expression of Interest Form (Word doc) [52KB]

Sustainability (up to £10,000)
Provides financial help where a loss in operating costs has occurred or is anticipated. This is revenue funding.

Sustainability Grant Expression of Interest Form (Word doc) [47KB]

Quality and Inclusion (£5000)
Contributes towards the purchase of resources and equipment. This is revenue funding.

Quality and Inclusion Grant Expression of Interest Form (Word doc) [47KB]

Wraparound Childcare Grant

This grant contributes towards the cost to develop a new wraparound provision (Breakfast Club or After School Club) or expand an existing offer term time only for primary aged children between 8am and 6pm.  This is revenue and/or capital funding.  Awards are paid termly in advance and subject to conditions being met. 

To apply for a grant, please submit initially an Expression of Interest Form (EOI) (Word doc) [52KB] via email to

The EOI will be reviewed by panel where the following will be determined -

  • an application form will be issued as the proposal meets the definition of the programme
  • a meeting will be arranged to discuss your enquiry
  • the EOI is placed on hold
  • the EOI is declined


Specialist Equipment

This grant is available to help providers meet their legal obligations to make reasonable adjustments in their provision to support children with disability.  The application enables the loan of equipment, please download the application and submit via email to, together with a quote and letter from a health professional.

Specialist equipment application form (Word doc) [51KB]

SEN Funding

This funding is available to support providers to meet the identified need of children that is "additional to and different from". There are two sources of funding -

  • SEND Inclusion Fund (SENIF)
  • EHCP (issued or agreed)

More information can be found on our SEND Funding webpage.

Disability Access Fund (DAF)

This fund is available to early years providers to support children with special educational needs and disability (SEND) by removing barriers which prevent children from accessing their free early education entitlement.

To claim this funding, a child must meet certain national criteria. Providers can claim the funding once the parent/carer has nominated them as the main provider of their child's early education entitlement, and demonstrated their child is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance.

More information can be found on our Disability Access Fund (DAF) webpage.

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

This premium is additional funding to enhance the experience of the child by improving the teaching and learning, facilities, and/or resources, so that there is a positive impact to their progress and development. More information can be found on our EYPP webpage.

Early Education Funding

This funding is available to all early year's providers that meet the statutory guidance for Early Education funding issued by the Department for Education (DfE) and have a local authority funding agreement in place. It is claimed on behalf of parent/carers for their funded early years entitlement.

Other local and national funding schemes and information


Early years funding panel

The panel will convene at least twice a term to consider applications for funding.  It is recommended that an application is submitted as soon as possible so it can be reviewed at the earliest opportunity.

Applicants are reminded -

  • All steps to apply for the funding must be followed
  • All documentation should be read prior to completing the application. It is the responsibility of the applicant to complete the application in full and provide any further information or documentation where applicable as part of the application process
  • An award of funding is not guaranteed
  • The possibility to apply for a grant will cease if there is insufficient local authority funding
  • This funding cannot be used for Capital Works (unless specified) or contribute towards a Reserves Fund

Application steps

  1. Submit Expression of Interest where applicable
  2. Team meeting or visit may be arranged to discuss application request and options where required
  3. Application documentation is issued for completion within 6 weeks
  4. Application and supporting documentation received
  5. Panel review application
  6. Outcome disclosed within 10 days of panel

then, if an award is agreed

  1. Email confirmation issued
  2. Applicant accepts / declines offer

then, if an offer is accepted

  1. Contract is issued (where applicable)
  2. Contract returned signed
  3. Payment processed
  4. Monitoring takes places to ensure compliance and conditions are met

Should you require any further assistance please email:

Norfolk early childhood community fund scheme

Community groups that support young children and their parents in Norfolk, can apply to the community fund.

The Norfolk early childhood community fund scheme aims to:

  • Help children age 0-5 to achieve their developmental milestones
  • Ensure children and their parents or carers are not lonely or isolated
  • Increase opportunities for parents to come together and take part in fun activities, alongside their child
  • Deliver local services for young children and their parents within their community

Visit the Norfolk early childhood community fund scheme webpage for more information and guidance.