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Contact the Attendance Team

The Attendance Team is a statutory service charged with working with schools and the multi-agency partnership to promote good attendance and reduce absence. We have a duty to ensure that every child has access to a full-time education and to ensure that parents perform their legal duty by ensuring their children of compulsory school age are registered and attending school regularly or receiving education otherwise.

We are an advisory service who provide pupil specific consultation and advice regarding whole school management of attendance. We can help with:

  • Exploring and identifying the barriers behind poor school attendance
  • Provide guidance on appropriate response and intervention
  • Provide training and networking opportunities

Additionally, we support parents who contact us for a variety of reasons but specifically those families who are open to us through children missing education or prosecution casework.

The Attendance Team are based at County Hall and can be contacted as follows:

County Hall
Martineau Lane


Tel: 01603 223 681

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