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St Nicolas Priory 

Visit to St. Matthews Primary Birmingham 

At St Nicholas Priory, we continue to be on a journey in terms of ensuring that we can be as inclusive in our approach as possible and strive for high academic outcomes. As such, part of our practice is to seek schools across the country we believe we are able to  learn from.  This week a couple of the senior leadership team travelled to an inner-city school in Birmingham to attend a ' spotlight '  on  'Evidence in Action '  However, we came away with so much more including refreshed ideas around learning environment , access to leadership resources and culture for reading. The head teacher is nothing short of inspirational and is involved and has experience of working in different local authorities, meeting many educational challenges and leading an exceptionally successful team. The morning certainly gave us plenty to think about in our own school setting, not to replicate but to integrate where appropriate into what we are already doing. St Matthews offers spotlight sessions throughout the year. I feel that it is well worth a visit. The next opportunity is 25th March and is focussed on curriculum. There is also a session on 13th May looking at reading. 

Events and Training | St. Matthew's Research School 

Recommended Reading  

Share what you have read that has made an impact to you. Highly recommended by local leaders include: 

  • Marshall B. Rosenberg - Non-Violent Communication: A Language for Life 
  • Paul Dix - After the Adults Change: Achievable Behavioural Nirvana  
  • Sonia Gill - Journey to Outstanding 
  • Andy Buck - Leadership Matters 3.0 
  • Tom Rees - Wholesome Leadership 
  • Danielle Macleod - Remarkable Leadership 
  • Ryan Holiday - The Obstacle is the Way 
  • Will Ryan - Leadership with a Moral Purpose 

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