Flourish survey

At last week's Children and Young People Strategic Alliance (CYPSA) senior representatives from organisations working with children, young people and families in Norfolk explored the key findings and next steps from the Flourish Survey 2024.
More than 9,300 pupils (2,519 from primary and 6,827 from secondary schools) completed the recent survey, which is commissioned and led by Public Health, working with the Schools Health Education Unit (SHEU). Many thanks again to all schools, colleges and of course the children and young people who took part in this hugely important piece of work.
Overall, while most responses indicate that children generally experience positive outcomes across most thematic areas, the small proportion of responses reporting poor or very poor outcomes has increased since 2017. All data will form part of our monitoring framework and action plans to help us to improve outcomes for children and young people. All participating schools and colleges have received their own individual feedback and publication of the full findings will be shared with you soon.