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Contact safeguarding team

The Education Safeguarding Team support schools and colleges across Norfolk. This support includes providing advice and guidance and auditing practice. The Advisers represent education on a variety of different forums. The Team provides Operation Encompass and Missing notifications, and the Training Officer delivers DSL training for schools and colleges.

If you are a parent or carer with safeguarding concerns about a school or college, please follow the setting's complaints process. Read more about the complaints process on the Norfolk County Council website.

If you are a parent or member of the public with safeguarding concerns for a child you should call the Norfolk County Council Customer Service Centre on 0344 800 8020.

The safeguarding team are based at County Hall and can be contacted as follows:

County Hall
Martineau Lane

Kelly Waters - Senior Adviser, Safeguarding
Tel: 01603 307729
Kelly manages the safeguarding team and takes the lead on supporting schools at stage 3 of the resolving professional disagreements policy.

Lucy Canning - Adviser, Safeguarding
Tel: 01603 307792
Lucy is responsible for driving forward the safeguarding audit work we undertake, she will offer advice and guidance to schools and represent education at relevant multi-agency fora. Lucy covers North, East, Broadland and Breckland areas.

Claire Farrelly - Adviser, Safeguarding
Tel: 01603 307767
Claire is responsible for driving forward the safeguarding audit work we undertake, she will offer advice and guidance to schools and represent education at relevant multi-agency fora.  Claire covers the West, City and South areas.

Carole Bostock - Safeguarding Training Officer
Tel: 01603 989953
Carole delivers safeguarding training and can answer training queries. Please contact Carole to book whole school training.

For any queries about training please contact the team via our mailbox:

Lisa Smith - CADS Education Representative
Tel: 01603 222328
Lisa is the single point of contact for Norfolk schools and colleges in relation to Operation Encompass and Missing from Home or Care notifications.  Lisa also supports the collation of education information for child exploitation screenings.

Ella Cannell - Operation Encompass Support Worker

Victoria Hancox - Safeguarding Support Officer
Tel: 01603 223188
Victoria is responsible for supporting the safeguarding team in the effective delivery of safeguarding training and audit work. Victoria is the point of contact for any queries relating to course bookings.

Cole Ware - EQAIRS Prevent Support Assistant


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