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School consultations

Informal consultations 

There are no informal consultations at this time.

Statutory consultations (Public Notices) 

There are no statutory consultations (Public Notices) at this time.

Recent Determinations

See the list of recent changes to school organisation in Norfolk.

School Term Dates 2026-27

Local Authorities have a duty to set the school term dates for local authority maintained schools, such as community and voluntary controlled schools. Foundation, Trust, Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies are responsible for setting their own term dates. In practice, most of the schools in Norfolk, use the same term dates. Schools must be open to pupils for 190 days in an academic year and 195 days for teachers. Home to school transport will be provided on the days the school is open to pupils.

Norfolk County Council works with other local authorities nearby to set proposed dates for an academic year - this is known as the Eastern Region Model Calendar. We do this because we feel it is better to have a co-ordinated approach to setting school term dates to minimise the impact on families and school transport providers.

Norfolk County Council consulted on the proposed term and holiday dates for 2026-2027. This consultation ran from Monday 4 November  and closed on  Friday 13 December 2024.

The term and holiday dates for 2026/27 are now agreed and to view the full Consultation Report and the Calender please visit Consultation on proposed term dates 2026-27

Bradwell Homefield CE VC Primary School, Bradwell, Norfolk NR31 8NS

On 29 January 2025, Sara Tough, in her role as LA Decision-Maker, made the following school organisation determination:-

To increase the number of pupils from 210 pupils to 420 pupils,  move into a new school building located on Chaplin Road and change the age range from 3 - 11 to 4 - 11. These changes would come into effect from the Spring Term of 2026 (subject to planning permission being granted on 28 February 2025). Full details of the proposals for this site are available by clicking on the Citizenspace link: Bradwell Homefield consultation

St John's Community Primary School and Nursery, Hoveton

On 1 August 2024, Sara Tough, in her role as LA Decision-Maker made the following school organisation determination:

To change the age range at St John's Community Primary School and Nursery, Hoveton from 3-11 years to 4-11 years, and to run all nursery provision for 3 year olds via Community Facility Powers under the direction of the School Governors from 1 September 2024. Full details of the Determination can be found on the following Citizenspace survey link: St John's Consultation

Hopton CE Primary Academy, Homefield CE VA Primary School, Hillside Primary School, Woodlands Primary Academy and Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy

On 2 July 2024, Sara Tough, in her role as LA Decision-Maker, made the following school organisation determination:-

To change the catchments area of Hopton CE Primary Academy, Homefield CE VA Primary School, Hillside Primary School, and Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy and Woodlands Primary Academy from 1 September 2024.  Full details of the Consultation Report and Determination can be found on the following Citizenspace Link survey link: Bradwell Consultation

Hindringham CE  VC Primary School

On 13 June 2024, Sara Tough, in her role as LA Decision-Maker, made the following school organisation determination:- 

Change of category of the school, from voluntary controlled to voluntary aided, from 1 September 2024.

New Free School Silfield

On 22 September 2023 Unity Schools Partnership were given Secretary of State approval to sponsor the proposed primary free school in Cringleford under section 6A (the 'free school presumption') of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. Further details of the presumption process followed can be found here Silfield Free School Presumption process

New Free School Cringleford

On 3 March 2023 Inspiration Trust were given Secretary of State approval to sponsor the proposed primary free school in Cringleford under section 6A (the 'free school presumption') of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. Further details of the presumption process followed can be found here: Cringleford Free School Presumption process

Closed consultations

School Term Dates 2026-27

Local Authorities have a duty to set the school term dates for local authority maintained schools, such as community and voluntary controlled schools. Foundation, Trust, Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies are responsible for setting their own term dates. In practice, most of the schools in Norfolk, use the same term dates. Schools must be open to pupils for 190 days in an academic year and 195 days for teachers. Home to school transport will be provided on the days the school is open to pupils.

Norfolk County Council works with other local authorities nearby to set proposed dates for an academic year - this is known as the Eastern Region Model Calendar. We do this because we feel it is better to have a co-ordinated approach to setting school term dates to minimise the impact on families and school transport providers.

Norfolk County Council consulted on the proposed term and holiday dates for 2026-2027. This consultation ran from Monday 4 November  and closed on  Friday 13 December 2024. The results of the consultation will be published on Norfolk County Council's website in Spring 2025. To view details of this consultation on these dates and the calendar please visit Consultation on proposed term dates 2026-27

Woodlands Primary Academy, Hillside Primary School and Homefield CE VC Primary School - Bradwell Catchment

Norfolk County Council, Creative Education Trust and the Trustees of Woodlands Primary Academy are proposing to increase the size of the combined Bradwell catchment area shared by Woodlands Primary Academy, Hillside Primary School and Homefield CE VC Primary School by extending into some of the western side of the existing Hopton catchment area, to ensure that local children have more sustainable travel routes to their local school. This proposal is linked to a proposal from Norfolk County Council to change the catchment areas of Hopton CE Primary Academy and Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy from 1 September 2024.  This consultation ran from Monday 15 April to Friday 24 May 2024 and full details are available by clicking on the following Citizenspace survey link: Bradwell Consultation

Hopton CE Primary Academy

Norfolk County Council, Diocese of Norwich Education and Academies Trust (DNEAT) and the Governors of Hopton CE Primary Academy are proposing to change the catchment area of Hopton CE Primary Academy, from 1 September 2024. The proposal is to reduce the size of Hopton catchment area, to ensure that local children have easier travel routes to their local school.  It is proposed that the 'lost area' to the northern end of the current catchment area will be included in the Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy catchment area. This proposal is linked to a proposal from Norfolk County Council, to extend the catchment areas of Ormiston Cliff Park and Bradwell from 1 September 2024. This consultation ran from Monday 15 April to Friday 24 May 2024 and full details are available by clicking on the following Citizenspace survey link: Hopton Consultation

Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy

Norfolk County Council, Ormiston Academies Trust and the Trustees of Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy are proposing to change the catchment area of Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Academy, from 1 September 2024. This proposal is linked to a proposal from Norfolk County Council, to change the catchment areas of Hopton and Bradwell from 1 September 2024. This consultation ran from Monday 15 April to Friday 24 May 2024 and full details are available by clicking on the following Citizenspace survey link: Ormiston Cliff Park Primary Consultation

Toftwood Infant School and Toftwood Junior School, Dereham 

Norfolk County Council consulted on a proposal to establish a 16 place Social Emotional and Mental Health base at Toftwood Infant School and Toftwood Junior School, Dereham from 1st September 2025.  This consultation ran from Monday 8 January to Friday 16 February 2024 and full details are available by clicking on the following Citizenspace survey link: Toftwood Consultation

Roydon Primary School, Diss 

Norfolk County Council consulted on a proposal to establish a 16 place Specialist Hub of Inclusion Practice (SHIP) from 1 September 2025.  This consultation ran from Monday 8 January to Friday 16 February 2024 and full details are available by clicking on the following Citizenspace survey link: Roydon Consultation

Closed Statutory consultations (Public Notices)

Former Blofield Primary School site, North Street, Blofield, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 4RH

Norfolk County Council published a statutory public notice consultation which ran from Monday 4 November to Monday 16 December 2024 to dispose of the site of the former Blofield Primary School, North Street, Blofield, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 4RH, which is anticipated to close in Spring 2025. The school is to be relocated to a newly constructed building on Blofield Primary School, Plantation Road, Blofield, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 4PL  Full details of our proposal for this site are available by clicking on the Citizenspace link  Former Blofield Primary site consultation

Bradwell Homefield CE VC Primary School, Bradwell, Norfolk NR31 8NS

Norfolk County Council published a statutory public notice consultation which ran from Monday 18 November to Monday 16 December 2024 to increase the number of pupils from 210 pupils to 420 pupils,  move into a new school building located on Chaplin Road and change the age range from 3 - 11 to 4 - 11. These changes would come into effect from the Spring Term of 2027 (subject to planning permission). Full details of our proposal for this site are available by clicking on the Citizenspace link: Bradwell Homefield consultation

St John's Community Primary School and Nursery, Hoveton

Norfolk County Council published a statutory public notice consultation on 24 June 2024 on their proposal to change the age range at St John's Community Primary School and Nursery, Hoveton from 3-11 years to 4-11 years, and to run all nursery provision for 3 year olds via Community Facility Powers under the direction of the School Governors from 1 September 2024. This Public Notice closed on 19 July 2024 and full details are available by clicking on the following Citizenspace survey link: St John's Consultation



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