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Prevent duty

Prevent safeguards people at risk of radicalisation in a similar way to safeguarding processes designed to protect people from gangs, drug abuse, and physical and sexual abuse.
Prevent is one part of the government's overall counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST.

The aim of Prevent is to:

  • tackle the causes of radicalisation
  • respond to the challenges that terrorist ideology may present
  • safeguard and support those most at risk of radicalisation through early intervention
  • support those who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate

The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act places a duty on specified authorities, including schools and colleges, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism ('the Prevent duty'). The Prevent duty reinforces existing duties placed upon educational establishments for keeping children safe.

Make a referral

Norfolk Channel Procedures (PDF, 204 KB) (updated 2019) give guidance around making referrals to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) about Prevent.

If you are concerned that someone may be vulnerable to radicalisation or extremism in Norfolk, you should use the Prevent Referral Form (PDF, 171 KB). It is designed in such a way to prompt the referrer to describe as much detail as possible, which in turn will allow for comprehensive and timely assessment. Send completed forms to

All enquiries regarding PREVENT should go to

If you have any questions about completing the referral form please call The Prevent Team on 01953 423905 or 01953 423896 .

Guidance and training

As part of the strategic approach to the Prevent duty, please read the Department for Education's risk assessment and guidance.

There are new versions of the Schools & Further Education Toolkits now available on Educate Against Hate-

These are new versions which have been re-written to match the structure & wording of the Revised Prevent Duty Guidance & includes updated "Further Support" links in a tab on the downloadable Excel spreadsheet.

More information, along with the Strategy, can be downloaded from the Preventing Radicalisation page on the Norfolk County Council website

Further information on understanding radicalisation risk and managing risk is available in the safeguarding learners vulnerable to radicalisation guidance.

Home Office Prevent Toolkit

This Toolkit (PDF, 1 MB) draws together a range of information and resources that can be used to support understanding in relation to the Prevent Duty.

Prevent Duty training

There are a number of different e-learning packages which school and college staff can access via the Home Office.

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