Other funding for early years providers

Early years funding opportunities

There are a number of funding sources available to childcare providers in Norfolk who have signed the Local Agreement to offer the Early Education entitlements or offer Wraparound Childcare. The purpose of this funding is to support the Local Authority to improve outcomes for children and meet its childcare sufficiency duty by assisting in the costs to provide high quality affordable childcare in Norfolk.

To apply, it will be necessary to comply with specific criteria. When an application is received, applicants are reminded that -

  • there is no guarantee that funding will be awarded by the panel
  • unless stated, the funding is revenue and cannot be used for capital works
  • panel may award funding with conditions
  • where an award is agreed, a contract or email offer will be issued
  • the payment of an award will not be actioned without the return of a signed contract or confirmation that the conditions will be met
  • awards may be paid in instalments
  • awards are subject to monitoring

Funding and grants available -

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