Staff recruitment
All organisations that employ adults have a legal responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people.
Advertising your vacancy: Please see
Please refer to the recruitment toolkit for further information and attend the safer recruitment training using the link in section 1.
It is important to have your application pack ready which will include:
- An application form
- Job description
- Person specification
- Shortlisting proforma
- Interview questions
- Reference request template
- Offer/unsuccessful letter
- Contract
- Probation information
For more information, please contact ACAS.
Your setting must adhere to the welfare requirements in the EYFS in relation to the numbers of qualified staff that are needed. Staff must have an appropriate full and relevant qualification as noted in the EYFS. You can use the qualification checker to ensure that their certificate is full and relevant -
Please note staff who enter the early years workforce after 30th June 2016 must have a full paediatric certificate to be included in the required staff: children ratios at level 2 or 3 early years qualification.
Staff induction
The committee have a responsibility to induct new staff alongside the setting manager ( see appendix 7 (PDF, 112 KB) for an example of what to include). Providers must ensure that all staff receive induction training to help them understand their roles and responsibilities.
Induction training must include :
- Information about emergency evacuation procedures
- Safeguarding
- Child protection, and health and safety issues
Providers must support staff to undertake appropriate training and professional development opportunities to ensure they offer quality learning and development experiences for children that continually improves.