School news highlights
This page shows highlights from our news feed only. Use our search to find all of our updates and use the filter to see news for you.

Promotional materials now available for the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun
The winter Big Norfolk Holiday Fun will run from 30 December 2024 - 3 January 2025.

Grant of £1000 to help fund a breakfast club
Kellogg's offers schools the opportunity to apply for a grant of £1000 to help fund a breakfast club. A limited number of grants are available so priority will be given to those schools that have 35% and above of children in receipt of pupil premium funding.

Train to Teach Information Evening- 6 Nov 5- 6pm at The Forum
Meet the Inspiration Teaching Hub Training team. Ask questions and hear all about how you can train to teach with Inspiration Teaching School Hub through the National Institute of Teaching.

Important information regarding Attendance Trials
School can no longer undertake Attendance Trials due to recent DfE guidance.

Norfolk Virtual School for Looked After Children - Professional Development Calendar
This is the professional development calendar for Norfolk Virtual school for Looked After Children. You will find the training we are offering with links to book onto them.

Norfolk Practice Week 18-22 Nov 2024- Brochure
We are delighted to be able to share with you the brochure for our upcoming Practice Week, taking place Monday 18th to Friday 22 November 2024. The theme for this Practice Week is 'Opportunities' from our shared Flourish ambition. We have a packed week of learning events, so we're sure they will be something of interest to anyone working to improve the lives of children, young people and families across Norfolk.

Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse newsletter
DSLs may already be aware of the range of helpful resources available to assist education settings from the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse but they also publish a monthly newsletter. DSLs can keep up to date with the latest publications, events and opportunities from the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre) in their monthly newsletter.

Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership working with fathers good practice workshops
Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) has identified Father Inclusivity as a priority for the partnership. Places are available for the November and December good practice workshops with further details about Father Inclusive practice in the article.

Food Vouchers for Free School Meal eligible pupils November 2024 to March 2025 - October Update
The following information is to notify schools that Norfolk County Council is extending the scheme from the previously agreed October 2024 through to March 2025. This is reflective of the recent government announcement.

Reducing Parental Conflict: Triple P Family Transitions Groups Autumn Term
Triple P Family Transitions is for parents who are divorced, separating, or separated and are finding it difficult to communicate in a healthy form, and the children are getting caught in the middle of their conflict. Autumn group sessions are now available.

Gangs and Serious Youth Violence awareness-raising sessions
St. Giles is offering a range of virtual awareness raising sessions during autumn term for professionals and parents and carers.

Be Switched On - Free Bike Lights offer
Norfolk County Council Road Safety Team is excited to announce secured funding from the Norfolk Safety Camera Partnership to offer front and back cycle lights, (while stock lasts) to Year 6 children who complete their Level 2 Bikeability Course (delivered by Norfolk County Council and commissioned by Bikeability providers).