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Submission of Primary assessment information - Detailed guidance 2024

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Overview and Timeline

Below are the recommended latest dates for submission of assessment information this year, as outlined in our previous MI Sheet 60/24. This MI sheet gives further details and guidance.

For the EYFSP, Phonics & KS2 Teacher Assessments, the DfE publish deadline dates by which schools have to submit their data, including schools that are being moderated (KS2 only). However, schools can submit their data before the DfE-published deadlines and the LA actually recommend submitting early to enable any errors or issues to be resolved in good time. The LA schools data team will be aware that some schools will be moderated and that submitting data early will not be always possible.

Please be aware that in previous years the DfE have taken the data submitted on their deadline date and published it in DfE Accountability documents (e.g. ASP/Inspection Summary Dashboard Reports) in the Autumn Term. Any school that has not submitted by the deadline will have gaps and blanks in these important DfE documents.

Below are the submission deadlines recommended by the LA, followed by important information on how to check your data submissions.


Phonics (Yr 1 & selected Yr 2)

Monday 17th June

(With allowance made if Phonics timetable variation week is required)

Phonics screening results

  • to also include year 2 pupils not meeting the required standard in Year 1 (Summer 2023).
  • to be sent to Education Achievement Service Data Team via Anycomms Plus.
Key Stage 2 (Yr 6)

Friday 21st June

(LA-recommended date allowing time for any issues with submission to the PAG to be resolved before the STA's final deadline after which submissions will not be accepted)

Key Stage 2 Teacher Assessments

  • Teacher Assessments are to be completed and submitted to STA before test results are returned to schools.
  • no results should be sent to the LA.
  • including Pre-Key Stage and Engagement Model where appropriate.
  • to be uploaded onto STA's Primary Assessment Gateway website

EYFSP (Reception)

Monday 24th June

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Assessments

  • to be sent to Learning & Achievement Data Team via Anycomms Plus.

MTC (Yr 4)

Friday 28th June

Multiplication tables check results

  • For the first time the LA is collecting the MTC results which can be downloaded as a CTF by schools via the MTC service from Monday 24th of June.
  • CTF to be sent to Education Achievement Service Data Team via Anycomms Plus.


Data Checking - applies to all schools

The LA data team will produce Provisional School Summary Reports- so schools have the opportunity to check their Key Stage results and resolve any issues before they are used for publication in the Analyse School Performance (ASP)/DfE Inspection Dashboards (IDSRs). To allow time to get these checking reports out to all the schools to check, we need your data returns by the deadlines above - we can't guarantee we can produce the checking reports if data is received after our recommended deadlines - so please submit your data returns in time, and earlier if possible

These provisional reports will be available for checking in Perspective Lite > LA Documents > (30) Summer 2024 > Provisional Key Stage reports.

Data Checking - reports availability

  • Phonics:                 from pm Tuesday 18th June.
  • EYFS:                        from pm Tuesday 25th June.
  • KS2:                          from pm Tuesday 25th June.

Moderation - KS2: Schools that are being moderated by the LA moderation team should not submit their assessments until AFTER being moderated. 


Please note, every reference to "schools" in this MI Sheet also applies to academies.

Contact Details for further help:

An Assessments web page has been produced by the Norfolk Learning & Achievement Service, and is intended to be a comprehensive source of information to help you complete your assessments. If you still have a query that you need answering, please contact one of the appropriate teams listed below.

Learning & Achievement Service

For further advice on the submission process or information on school performance data Simon Porritt / Alex Webb  

Email for all:

For advice on statutory teacher assessment, moderation and test administration: Sara Matthews - 01603 306397


ICT Solutions: For technical ICT support for school MIS

Helpdesk 01603 475603

Early Years Foundation Stage Profile

Detailed requirements



Deadline date

Monday 24th June (early returns are encouraged).

What to submit

End-of-Reception Year results (1 or 2) in the EYFS Profile assessment for each pupil in each of the 17 Early Learning Goals (not "in-year" assessments).

What to send

XML/CTF file format - to include postcodes.

Quick View of process

Enter data in MIS > Export CTF file > Submit to LA > Check Provisional report in Perspective > Report any discrepancies to Learning & Achievement Data Team.

Where to send to

Use Anycomms Plus to send to Norfolk LA

What happens next

  • If there are issues/problems with the data file, then the Data Team will contact the school, initially by email to the office@.
  • There is no need to contact the Data Team just to check receipt of your data file.

Check results

Provisional School summary reports for schools who have successfully submitted their results by Monday 24th June will be made available in Perspective Lite > LA Documents > (30) Summer 2024 > Provisional Key Stage reports, for schools to check - available PM Tuesday 25th June.

Changes to results/other details

REPORT any errors in the provisional report to the Learning & Achievement Data Team as soon as possible.

New leavers and starters

  • If a pupil transfers schools before the summer half term holiday, the new setting must report the pupil results to its LA.
  • If a pupil transfers schools during the second half of the summer term then the previous school is responsible for reporting to the LA.


Learning & Achievement Data Team

For further advice on the submission process or information on school education performance data Simon Porritt / Alex Webb

Email for Data Team:

Further guidance:


DfE guidance

Early years foundation stage profile return 2024: guide

Please note that the data submitted will be published in the Analyse School Performance (ASP)/DfE Inspection Dashboards (IDSRs).

LA Data Team FAQ / Guidance & Check Lists/Crib Sheets

ICT resources

Anycomms Plus 

Username issues: username / password please contact the ICT service desk on / 0845 303 3003.


Phonics screening check

Detailed requirements



Deadline date

Monday 17th June (early returns are encouraged)

(With allowance made if Phonics timetable variation week is required).

Testing period

10th - 14th June

(17th - 21st June - timetable variation week for absent pupils).

What to submit

Year 1 Phonics scores (or Outcomes if test not taken e.g. A or D)

Year 2 Phonics scores - just for the pupils who need a re-test, or missed the 2023 Summer term phonics screening check (or Outcomes if test not taken e.g. A or D).  See "Further Information" below for missing results.

Do not wait for the threshold score - we do not need the Outcomes for the pupils who sat the test - just their scores.

(Threshold published Monday 24th June 2024).

What to send

XML/CTF file format.

Quick View of process

Enter data in MIS > Export CTF file > Submit to LA > Check Provisional report in Perspective > Report any discrepancies to Learning & Achievement Data Team.

Where to send to

Use Anycomms Plus to send to Norfolk LA.

What happens next

  • If there are issues/problems with the data file, then the Data Team will contact the school, initially by email to the office@
  • There is no need to contact the Data Team just to check receipt of your data file.

Check results

Provisional School summary reports* for schools who have submitted their results successfully by Monday 17th June will be made available in Perspective Lite > LA Documents > (30) Summer 2024 > Provisional Key Stage reports, for schools to check - available from PM Tuesday 18th June.

* For schools with pupils being tested during the timetable variation week who submit their data successfully by PM Monday 24th June we can
produce a summary report on request which will be uploaded to Perspective on Tuesday 25th June PM.

Changes to results/other details

REPORT any errors in the provisional report to the Learning & Achievement Data Team as soon as possible.

New leavers and starters

  • If the pupil was at your school for Phonics test (or was recorded as A or D) - then you are to include them in your data file.
  • If a pupil transfers schools before the Phonics test, the new setting must report the pupil results to its LA.

Headteacher's declaration form (HDF)

Deadline for schools to submit phonics screening check HDF

on the PAG - Monday 1st July.


For further advice on the submission process or information on school education performance data

Simon Porritt / Alex Webb

Further guidance:


DfE guidance

The Assessment and Reporting Arrangements Phonics web pages:

Please note that the data submitted will be published in the Analyse School Performance (ASP)/DfE Inspection Dashboards (IDSRs).

LA Data Team FAQ / Guidance & Check Lists/Crib Sheets

ICT resources

Anycomms Plus 

Username issues: username / password please contact the ICT service desk on / 0845 303 3003.


Phonics submission process - Extra information - Year 2 pupils missing results

Note: Schools are responsible for checking all their current Year 2 pupils' phonics screening check results. Any pupils who did not have an Outcome of "Wa" (Working at) in the Summer 2023 phonics screening checks, including pupils who were not assessed, must be included in this year's Year 2 phonics screening, and their results recorded and submitted at the same time as the Year 1 results.

Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

For the first time the LA is collecting the MTC results CTF once they are available to for the schools to download. This will enable us to have an early view of results for Norfolk.



Deadline date

Wednesday 28th June.

Testing period

Monday 3rd June to Friday 14th June - MTC administration period.

Monday 17th June to Friday 21st June - Schools administer the MTC to any pupils absent in the administration period or where administration has been delayed due to technical difficulties.

How to access the results

Results (a total score for each pupil) available in the 'View pupil results' section of the MTC service, for schools to view or download.

What to send to the LA

The Common Transfer File (CTF file) which schools can collect from the MTC service from Monday 24th June. 

Where to send to

Use Anycomms Plus to send to the LA Data Team 

What happens next

  • If there are issues/problems with the data file, then the Data Team will contact the school, initially by email to the office@.
  • There is no need to contact the Data Team just to check receipt of your data file.

Head Teachers declaration form

Submitted on the MTC service by Friday 21st June - 5pm.


Learning & Achievement Data Team

Simon Porritt / Alex Webb

Email for Data Team:

Further guidance:


DfE guidance

Multiplication tables check administration guidance:
DfE video (6 ½ mins) designed to support schools to administer the multiplication tables check (MTC):

LA Data Team FAQ / Guidance & Check Lists/Crib Sheets

ICT resources

Anycomms Plus 

Username issues: username / password please contact the ICT service desk on / 0845 303 3003.


Key Stage 2 Assessments & Test Results

Detailed requirements



Deadline date

Friday 21st June (LA recommended) Early returns are strongly encouraged, and allowance given for moderated schools.

Testing period

Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May.

What to submit

Pupil sitting tests do not require assessments for reading/maths. 

Pupils NOT sitting tests for reading/maths require Teacher Assessments submitting - probably pre-Key Stage standards

All pupils require assessments for writing and science. 

  • Valid codes available here: Valid TA Codes
  • Additional The engagement model is statutory for use to assess pupils working below the standard of the national curriculum and not yet engaged in subject-specific study. Schools can no longer assess pupils against P scales 1 to 4.

What to send

XML/CTF file format or Excel template (from Primary Assessment Gateway).

Quick View of process

Enter data in MIS > Export CTF file > Submit to Primary Assessment Gateway > Check Provisional report in Perspective > Report any discrepancies.

Where to send to

Primary Assessment Gateway - Teacher Assessments (Do not send any data to the LA).

What happens next

Primary Assessment Gateway will report if there are any errors or issues - you must resolve these yourself, in necessary by submitting a revised return. Check spam folders for emails from the STA following submission to the PAG.

Check results

Provisional School summary reports will be made available in Perspective Lite > LA Documents > (30) Summer 2024 > Provisional Key Stage reports, for schools to check - available from PM Tuesday 25th June.

Changes to results/other details

If you notice any errors - before the final DfE deadline of 28th June - then submit revised results to the Primary Assessment Gateway as soon as possible. Please inform the Learning & Achievement Data Team - so we have the most up to date data for your school.

New leavers and starters

  • If the pupil took the KS2 tests at your school then you must submit the TA for all these pupils, including any pupils who leave the school after the KS2 tests but before the end of the school year. 
  • If a pupil did not take the KS2 tests at your school then do not submit TA for them - the losing school will be submitting them.
  • See Extra Information below for pupils who may arrive/leave DURING test week. 

Headteacher's declaration form

On Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG) - by Friday 24th May.


For further advice on the submission process or information on school education performance data:

Simon Porritt / Alex Webb

Test Results


Available on

Released Tuesday 9th July.

Available from

DfE "Primary Assessment Gateway" website

Action required

Please import your Key Stage 2 Test results (in XML/CTF format) into your MIS.  Recording Test results is important for: (a) producing statutory reports for parents, (b) data analysis and self-evaluation (e.g. for inspection purposes).

Check results for All Subjects

Following the release of the test results Provisional Reports should be available in Perspective Lite for schools to run themselves. Visit the Perspective Lite Help Pages to find out how to run these reports. Should be available from Wednesday 10th July.

Review deadlines

Deadline for schools to submit marking review applications on the PAG, Friday 19th July (11:59pm).

Further guidance:


DfE guidance

2024 Key stage 2: assessment and reporting arrangements (ARA)
How to submit your data to the PAG video (5 ½ mins)
DfE video on resolving errors within submitted data watch:

Please note that the data submitted will be published in the Analyse School Performance (ASP)/DfE Inspection Dashboards (IDSRs).

LA Data Team FAQ / Guidance & Check Lists/Crib Sheets

ICT resources

Primary Assessment Gateway (PAG) website

For support using the PAG website, contact the national curriculum assessments helpline on 0300 303 3013, or email


Key Stage 2 Submission Process - Extra Information

KS2 Final Submission Deadline (when the Primary Assessment Gateway will close) - Friday 28th June

However, there is no reason why schools cannot submit their data before Friday 28th June if all moderation has been completed, the data has been finalised, and is ready to send. This will allow for the schools to deal with any errors or omissions before the deadline, and ensure file submission issues as experienced by many schools in 2022 & 2023 are resolved in good time.

The DfE will take the data on 28th June and publish it in DfE Accountability documents (e.g. ASP/Inspection Summary Dashboard Reports) in the Autumn Term. Any school that has not submitted data by 28th June will have gaps and blanks in these DfE documents.

KS2 - Teacher Assessments 2024

For the KS2 teacher assessment instructions, visit Key stage 2 teacher assessment guidance 2024 - GOV.UK (  Schools are required to assess all pupils in English writing and Science, providing a valid code for them. Schools must also assess pupils in English reading and mathematics where they are below the standard of the national curriculum assessments and provide a valid code for them.

Pupils changing school during test week

If a pupil changes school during the KS2 test week, the school where the pupil was registered at the beginning of the test week must submit TA data for the pupil.

Assessment Outcome

The Engagement Model

In 2023/24, if a pupil is working below the standard of national curriculum assessments and not yet engaged in subject-specific study, they must be assessed using the engagement model at the end of KS2.

The engagement model is a teacher assessment tool that replaces P scales 1 - 4 and is formed of 5 areas of engagement: exploration, realisation, anticipation, persistence and initiation. Each of the 5 areas are interrelated and should be used when assessing pupils who are not engaged in subject-specific study.

Since September 2021, schools have been required to:

  • use the engagement model to assess pupils who are working below the standard of national curriculum assessments and not engaged in subject-specific study at the end of KS2.

  • report to DfE which pupils have been assessed using the engagement model for KS2 - schools are not required to submit any other data to DfE about the progress of these pupils.