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A Big Thank You to our IMP Moderators!

FAO: SEND Professionals, School SENDCo, Senior Leaders, 3 June 2024 16:49

As we come to the last two months of our INDES Moderation Panels (IMP) for this academic year, the Inclusion and SEND team would like to share their gratitude and appreciation for eighty-nine moderators who have supported this process, mostly from schools with a few from Norfolk County Council, moderators are SEND professionals.

The IMP process is a quality assurance on identification of need and SEND provision in schools at whole setting and pupil levels. Inclusion and SEND advisers facilitate the IMP process with moderators resulting in over 50% of schools being moderated in since December 2022.

The IMP process is for schools led by schools. Thank you.

If you would like to moderate or observe an INDES Moderation Panel (IMP) please contact Lucie at

And for existing moderators and observers we will be holding an IMP feedback and development conference - July 4th TEAMS 9.30 - 12.30 which you are warmly invited to. Please contact Lucie to book a place.

Thank you,

Inclusion and SEND Team


Last modified: 11 June 2024 09:56