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Working Together to Improve School Attendance (2024) - consultation results

FAO: Headteachers/Principals, Senior Attendance Champions, School Attendance Officers, 24 June 2024 16:07

Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation. We are pleased to share with you some of the highlights of the survey and advise you how this will inform the support we are offering moving forward.  

  • 35% of respondents indicated high levels of confidence in their knowledge of the revised guidance, 

  • 50% had high confidence in their setting's ability to meet the requirements of the revised guidance, 

  • Respondents indicated that further support with effective planning and legal intervention is required, 

  • And providing this support in 'bite-size' easy to manage webinars would be most effective.  

Therefore, based on the feedback we have scheduled two webinars this term on key topics as identified by you. A timetable of webinars will be arranged for academic year 2024-25. The webinars will be hosted by the Attendance Service and Children Missing Education Team on-  

Thursday 4th July 2024, 10.30 to 11.30 - Support first approach and legal intervention 

Thursday 11th July 2024, 10.30 to 11.30 - School admission register: enrolment and deletion from the school roll 

To book a place to attend these webinars, click here. At both events there will be an opportunity to ask questions following the speakers. Both webinars will be recorded and made available on our website for those unable to attend.  

Following the consultation on the Code of Conduct we have now revised and published the following on our website- 

  • Norfolk County Council Code of Conduct for issuing Fixed Penalties regarding School Attendance  

  • Penalty Notices regarding absence from school - Guidance for parents  

  • Leave of absence request  

  • Template - Notice to Improve 

These can all be found and accessed on the Attendance news, events and contact information page and will come into effect from 19th August 2024.  

We have also revised and published the 'Attendance is Everyone's Business' Whole School Training. This training package was designed to support schools with meeting the requirements of Working Together to Improve School Attendance to ensure that all teaching and non-teaching staff know the importance of good attendance and receive training and professional development in this area.  

Finally, still to come this term we will be publishing the revised Model School Attendance Policy and Attendance Practice Checklist.

Last modified: 25 June 2024 10:01