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Whole school approach to EAL in schools

What do I need to record and report?

Assessment and language progress

An English as an additional language (EAL) assessment framework like the Bell Foundation or NASSEA frameworks should be used to track child and young person (CYP) progress and provide effective teaching strategies.  The frameworks also contain strategies for supporting their language development. The NASSEA framework is particularly suitable for EYFS as it links to Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals. The Bell Foundation - EAL Assessment Framework for Schools is available to download free of charge. The NASSEA Framework has an EYFS tracker that is specifically linked to Development Matters and Early Learning Goals.

Specific EAL assessment trackers should be used to monitor the progress made by CYP with EAL. For new arrivals and CYP with early English language acquisition, progress may be in very small steps that could go unnoticed if relying on whole school or setting tracking systems. By using EAL specific trackers, progress can be shared, gaps in learning can be identified and appropriate next steps can be planned. Reviewing progress this way can highlight plateauing and allow intervention to be started. Schools and settings should also have robust policies and procedures in place for responding to and reporting prejudice-based incidents. More information is available in the One Minute Guide: Prejudice-based Incidents

Recording and reporting

It is important that schools and settings hold accurate information on CYP with EAL to allow monitoring of attendance, engagement and achievement for this vulnerable, often dynamic group.

Information held centrally on CYP management systems will be used for the annual census return each term. It is imperative that the language data is accurately recorded on management information systems for the October census because EAL funding is triggered from this. If a CYP's first language is recorded as a language other than English, the child will be entitled to funding of £595 (primary) or £1605 (secondary) for the first three years they are in school in the UK. Accurate information on the CYP status and/or scheme the family arrived on will help you apply for any additional funding that the CYP is entitled to.

A regularly updated EAL register, using information taken from the CYP profile, will allow all staff to have easy access to useful information such as how a name should be pronounced, languages spoken in the home and how long a CYP has been in the country. We have created an example of an EAL register (Excel doc, 9 KB). This register can also be used to record which CYP have home languages that can be taken as additional GCSEs.

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