Whole school approach to EAL in schools
What support can we signpost families to?
General support around resettlement
There are several organisations in Norfolk which support resettled and displaced migrant families as well as ethnically diverse communities. They also offer support, advice, English classes and other activities.
- Norfolk-wide: International Welcome drop-in sessions throughout Norfolk offer free advice and practical support to refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, and those with lived experience of migration into Norfolk
- Norwich: New Routes Integration works with recently resettled ethnic minority individuals, families, children and young people (CYP), and communities in Norwich
- Norwich: The Bridge Plus provides information, advice and advocacy services for ethnic minority individuals and migrant communities
- Great Yarmouth: GYROS provides free information, advice, guidance and advocacy on a range of topics, including immigration, education and health
- The People from Abroad Team: Provides support for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers; see Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers on the Norfolk County Council website for more information
- GRT Advisory TEAM: Provides support with education for Roma families; see Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT)
English lessons for families
English lessons are also available for families with EAL such as ESOL, conversation classes, community interpretation course, etc
- WEA (Workers' Educational Association) provides free English courses at many levels for speakers of other languages
- NCC Adult Learning provides a range of English courses
- Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE) provides a range of online and face to face English courses
- English Plus offers free English classes for adults of all levels, from beginner to advanced
Enabling families to support their child's education
The Bell Foundation provides guidance for families, translated into several languages to explain the English education system and advise them on how to support their child with education.
Encouraging families to maintain their child's first language
Research shows that CYP who have well developed first language skills are better equipped to acquire an additional language, such as English.
Essex Education has produced 'The Importance of Home Language leaflet' translated into a variety of languages for schools to share with families to encourage them to support their CYP to maintain their first language, especially their level of literacy.
Safeguarding and wellbeing
Please see Safeguarding and Wellbeing guides (in relation to online safety) translated into a variety of languages.
What else can we do to support families?
- Use interpretation services to communicate effectively
- Google Translate or INTRAN can be used to translate documents
- LA-maintained schools automatically have access to INTRAN and can use their school code to purchase these services.
- Academies and free schools can contact INTRAN to arrange membership.
- Show families that your website can be translated (many have this facility and if yours does not, investigate how this function can be added)
- Involve them in the life of your school or setting e.g. invite them to take part in PTA meetings, volunteering in school and on trips, etc
- Make an induction booklet in simplified English or translated into different languages, to give to families when their child is admitted to school
- Ensure you use interpretation services to talk to families about safeguarding concerns when they arise