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Whole school approach to EAL in schools

What support can we signpost CYP to?

Ensure that children and young people (CYP) with English as an additional language (EAL), especially new arrivals, have a buddy or mentor that they feel confident to approach if they are unsure of anything. This may be a peer, an older CYP, or a member of staff. If you are using CYP as buddies, ensure they are aware of the expectations and the strategies for communication. A scheme such as Young Interpreters prepares CYP to be empathetic language buddies.

CYP should have access to good quality translation and communication tools to ensure they can express their needs and concerns clearly and confidently. Depending on age and stage, this could be visual aids such as communication fans and word mats, or tablets or laptops with translation apps such as Google Translate.

The FYI Norfolk website has information on health, education and SEMH advice. It can be translated into other languages and includes a reader function so that it can read text to CYP in their own language.

If you need guidance about how to support an individual CYP who has just been identified as EAL, then please see step by step guidance within the EAL inclusion and SEND padlet.

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