Whole school approach to GRT in schools

How do we collect children and young people's voice and empower them to lead activities?

Children and young people's voice should be at the heart of everything we do and inform any decisions we make around how we support Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) children and young people.

Here are some questions you may want to use to collect children and young people's voice:

  • Do you feel you get the information and support you need as a GRT child and young person?
  • What is your school / setting doing well to raise awareness about GRT history, culture and beliefs?
  • What would you like your school / setting to do to raise awareness in a better way?
  • What is the school / setting doing well to support GRT children and young people and their families?
  • What would you like your school / setting to do to support GRT children and young people and their families better?

Utilising the information gained from GRT children and young people can help to improve provision and support to better meet their needs. It is also a vital way of showing the children and young people that their wishes, feelings and views are valued and listened to.

Encourage GRT children and young people to lead on GRT History Month activities.

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