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Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) training

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Introduction to English as an Additional Language (EAL) in Early Years

This course offers early years and childcare practitioners the opportunity to reflect upon the needs of bi-lingual children in early years settings and increase confidence in this area.

The course aims to increase the awareness of good practice for children with EAL. There is an opportunity for wide-ranging discussion, covering issues such as:

  • Integrating new arrivals into your setting
  • Developing the language of children with EAL
  • Awareness of cultural differences
  • The procedure for use of interpreters and translation services

Training provider: Cecilia Basnett, EAL/EDC Advisor for Partnerships, Schools & Communities

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes

Cost: £ Fully funded

N191OnlineTuesday 6 May 20256.30pm-8.30pm

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Early Years EAL Network

This online network session for early years practitioners working with children with EAL will provide a useful forum to gain updates on EAL pedagogy, policy, funding, opportunities and resources, and share expertise and experience in the field of Early Years EAL.

Delegates will:

  • Work with other professionals to discuss and share good practice in EAL provision.
  • Receive updates on policy, research, initiatives and opportunities for children with EAL, and their families.
  • Develop further strategies for language development, EAL interventions and raising cultural awareness in the setting.

Training provider: Cecilia Basnett, EAL/EDC Advisor for Partnerships, Schools & Communities

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes

Cost: £ Fully funded                                         

N192OnlineTuesday 20 May 20256.30pm-7.30pm

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EAL Assessment in the Early Years

This course will explore assessment activities and tools for children with EAL. We will explore how children develop language and look at how the Early Learning Goals can be assessed for children with EAL. We will also examine the NASSEA Assessment Framework. The NASSEA resource will help practitioners establish how far along the continuum of developing English the child has progressed and what the next steps may be to support the child moving forward. We will examine some case studies using the NASSEA Framework. These case studies and a copy of the framework will be sent to you in advance.

This course will:

  • Examine some of the pedagogy relating to learning EAL.
  • Familiarise practitioners with the NASSEA Assessment Tool and how to assess individual children using case studies.
  • Discuss strategies for assessing Early Learning Goals in children with EAL.
  • Consider strategies to support language development based on assessment outcomes.

Training provider: Cecilia Basnett, EAL/EDC Advisor for Partnerships, Schools & Communities

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes

Cost: £ Fully funded                       

N136OnlineThursday 13 March 20256.30pm-8.30pm
N193OnlineTuesday 10 June 20256.30pm-8.30pm

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Developing Language through Play for Children with EAL

This course will examine the vital role of play in developing the language of children with EAL. We will look at how to maximise language development opportunities through role play and small world play. We will also look at the opportunities that stories give for language rich play and guided activities.

This course aims to be a practical session full of shared ideas and resources and time will be given for delegates to share and discuss their own ideas.

Delegates will:

  • Examine some of the pedagogy of language development in children with EAL.
  • Consider the role of play in language development and how to maximise these opportunities.
  • Develop strategies for developing language through activities related to stories and books.

Training provider: Cecilia Basnett, EAL/EDC Advisor for Partnerships, Schools & Communities

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, School nurseries and Reception classes

Cost: £ Fully funded

N137OnlineThursday 27 March 20256.30pm-8.30pm
N194OnlineTuesday 1 July 20256.30pm-8.30pm

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Level 2 SEND Award

Supporting babies and young children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in early years.

This course will give an overview of SEND for early years practitioners and childminding assistants. It comprises of three full days, each combining taught and self-study elements. Delegates must be present for all three days.

The course is designed to give delegates an understanding of how to support the assessment, planning, implementation and reviewing of support plans in line with the graduated approach.

Day one will cover the statutory guidance relating to SEND in the EYFS and give delegates a deeper understanding of how children learn and develop.

Day two considers the importance of attachment and transitions. Delegates will learn about best practice for meeting the needs of individual children, including the role of the key person, child's voice and parent/carer engagement.

Day three looks at child development in detail and the role of the practitioner in engaging with other professionals.

Assignments need to be completed outside of the course hours; approx. 2-3 hours of study time following each session.

You must bring a laptop to each session - tablets or phones are not suitable.

Refreshments will be provided, please take your own lunch.

This course is not suitable for SENCOs in group settings, Childminders or anyone who has previously undertaken the 3 Day SENCO course. SENCOs and Childminders should enrol on the Level 3 SENCO Award.

It is strongly recommended that you also book onto 'Writing Support Plans' training.

Training provider: Early Years Learning and Childcare

Target audience: Childminding assistants, Early years practitioners

Cost: £40 per person

Important: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the autumn term course that was due to take place in King's Lynn has been cancelled. The course has been rescheduled for the spring term, see below:

N084King's Lynn, The FfolkesWednesday 12 & 19 March and 2 April 20259.30am-4pm

Future dates coming soon...

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Level 3 Early Years SENCO Award

NCFE CACHE Level 3 Award in Special Educational Needs Coordinator in Early Years (SENCO)

This programme is for SENCOs wanting to gain a qualification and recognition for their role as an Early Years SENCO. This award will evidence the settings' commitment to supporting children with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND). It will provide the SENCO with the skills to lead and coordinate SEND within their setting.

The Early Years SENCO Award has been proven to inspire SENCOs from across the PVI sector. This course offers early years practitioners both theoretical and practical support in their role as coordinator of SEND.

It will cover:

  • The role of the SENCO
  • SEND Code of Practice
  • Working with parents and professionals
  • Networking opportunities with other settings and professionals
  • Historical context of SEND and education.

The course programme is a 1.5 hours online evening induction then 9 x full days (Mondays) in-person, term time only.

The venue is Poringland Community Centre, Overtons Way, Poringland, Norwich, NR14 7WB. Refreshments will be provided; please take your own lunch.

Complex Needs School Visit - You must also visit a Complex Needs School as part of the course - exact details TBC.

Entry Requirements:

  • You must be currently working in an early years setting - group setting or childminder.
  • You must hold a full and relevant Level 3 in early years/childcare.
  • You must have the full support of your manager, where applicable, to complete all scheduled sessions (contracts will be issued to cover this).
  • Be confident you will have the time to complete all assignments, meeting set deadlines.

Training provider: Early Years Learning and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years setting SENCOs

Cost: £150 per person

N240Online - (Induction session)Wednesday 16 July 20257pm-8.30pm
Poringland Community CentreMonday 8 September 20259.30am-3.30pm
Monday 22 September 20259.30am-3.30pm
 Monday 6 October 20259.30am-3.30pm
Monday 20 October 20259.30am-3.30pm
 Monday 3 November 20259.30am-3.30pm
Monday 1 December 20259.30am-3.30pm
 Monday 15 December 20259.30am-3.30pm
Monday 12 January 20269.30am-3.30pm
 Monday 26 January 20269.30am-3.30pm

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SENCO Networks

The SENCO Networks aim to cover local and national updates and also provide an opportunity to share what is going well, along with best practice.

To make it manageable, we would ask that prior to the session, you send in your inclusion and SEND questions or thoughts beforehand. We will then collate these and provide responses during the event.

We would also like you to send in what has worked well for you in terms of supporting vulnerable children both whilst at home and/or within your provision as well as your ideas for support.

Time permitting, we hope to enable some further feedback at the end of the session.

If you are successful in being allocated a place you will be emailed a confirmation letter, at which point you may then submit any questions and/or share 'what went well' by emailing

Training provider: Early Years Learning and Childcare

Target audience: Childminders, Early years setting SENCOs, Leaders and Managers

Cost: £ Fully funded

Spring 2025 SENCO Networks - Important information  

The professional development content for the spring 2025 Networks will be covering Oral Health for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). The trainer will deliver the presentation live on the N088 Network.

Therefore, those attending N087 will have a shorter session time of 45 minutes, including the usual updates, reminders and an opportunity to ask any questions to the Early Years team, and a recording of the Oral Health presentation will then be emailed to them after Friday 31 January.

The presentation recording will be shown during the N089 Network.

N230OnlineWednesday 21 May 20251pm-2.30pm
N231OnlineThursday 22 May 20257pm-8.30pm
N232OnlineFriday 23 May 202510am-11.30am

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Signalong Introduction

**Apologies, this training is currently on hold. Update on future availability coming soon**

Signalong is a communication system used to help children and adults with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and/or communication difficulties. Based on British Sign Language it is used in spoken word order using key words, combining speech, sign, body language, facial expression and voice tone to reference the link between sign and word.

This Introduction is the ideal course for beginners or those who are returning to using Signalong and would like a refresher. Working with one of our experienced tutors you will be guided through the basics of Signalong and how this key word sign-supported system could benefit your setting.

This workshop comes with a fun song to sign and sing along to, plus an official Signalong booklet containing 27 starter signs. Our tutors will go through all the handshapes, orientation, methodology and movement, demonstrating each sign as they go. By the end of the workshop, you will understand how to introduce a new sign to your children, how to read new sign descriptions to confidently perform them and how to create a name sign.

Learner requirements:

No previous experience or knowledge necessary. This is an online course using Microsoft Teams. You will require access to a laptop/PC with webcam and internet connection (phones and tablets are not recommended due to reduced visibility of the tutor and presentation). You will be asked to perform signs during this course alongside other participants.

Training provider: The Hamlet

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, Out of school settings

Cost: £ Fully funded

Signalong Routines

**Apologies, this training is currently on hold. Update on future availability coming soon**

This workshop looks at the routines we use within a nursery or pre-school setting, such as greetings, instructions, common activities and questions. With one of our experienced tutors, we will discuss the practical application of these signs for your setting and practice using them individually and in sentences for a more real world feel.

Learner requirements:

We will recap the basics before we start but having prior knowledge of how to perform signs already is beneficial. This is an online course using Microsoft Teams. You will require access to a laptop/PC with webcam and internet connection (phones and tablets are not recommended due to reduced visibility of the tutor and presentation). You will be asked to perform signs during this course alongside other participants.

Training provider: The Hamlet

Target audience: Childminders, Early years group settings, Out of school settings

Cost: £ Fully funded

Writing Support Plans for Children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities

SEN Code of Practice published July 2014:

All settings should adopt a graduated approach with 4 stages of action: assess, plan, do and review. Where it is decided to provide SEN support, the practitioner and the SENCO should agree, in consultation with the parent:

  • The outcomes they are seeking.
  • The interventions and support to be put in place.
  • The expected impact on progress, development or behaviour.

This training aims to:

  • Explore the role of the practitioner within the process of writing and recording interventions, targets and outcomes.
  • Develop the skill of writing effective targets by using some real practice examples and practical learning materials.
  • Consider some appropriate teaching methods and strategies that can be provided during the graduated approach.
  • Explore how and when to modify and review targets in accordance with the child's individual development.
  • Consider how to enhance the contribution of parents and children.

Writing Support Plans training is covered within the Level 3 SENCO Award and the previously offered Setting SENCO 3 day course. If you have completed those training courses you do not need to do this course separately.

Refreshments will be provided, please take your own lunch.

Training provider: Chris Elsby, Independent Trainer

Target audience: All early years practitioners

Cost: £ Fully funded

Important: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the autumn term course that was due to take place in King's Lynn has been cancelled. The course has been rescheduled for the spring term, see below:

N085King's Lynn, The FfolkesWednesday 26 March 20259.30am-3pm

Future dates coming soon...

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