Leadership and Management training
On this page
Business Bites 1 - Planning for Success
This Business Bites course is the first of a set of four training videos designed to be accessed in your own time.
Please note: To get the most out of the four Business Bites courses it is advised that you access them in order, starting with Business Bites 1 - Planning for Success.
This training is a video of approx. 30 mins in duration and will cover:
- Understanding the need for a plan
- Introducing the Business Model Canvas (BMC)
- The steps to creating your plan
- Involving the whole team in the process
You will be encouraged to think about:
- Looking back - celebrating reflecting and learning
- Being in the present - observing, monitoring, learning
- Looking forward - looking after customers, looking after the business, planning and growing
At the end of the video, you will be required to complete a short quiz to assess your learning and to provide feedback via an evaluation form. A certificate will then be issued.
Training provider: We Can Do Business
Target audience: Childminders, Early years setting managers, Out of school settings
Cost: £ Fully funded
Click here to book using code BB01 and a link to the video and any supporting resources will be emailed to you.
Business Bites 2 - Customer-Focused Marketing
This Business Bites course is the second of a set of four training videos designed to be accessed in your own time.
Please note: To get the most out of the four Business Bites courses it is advised that you access them in order, starting with Business Bites 1 - Planning for Success.
This training is a video of approx. 30 mins in duration and will cover:
- What is Customer-Focused Marketing and why is it important?
- What does Customer-Focused Marketing look like? - Three key elements
- Employee advocates and activating your team
- Dealing with customer concerns and measuring customer satisfaction
- What does excellent customer service look like?
- The importance of customer stories
At the end of the video, you will be required to complete a short quiz to assess your learning and to provide feedback via an evaluation form. A certificate will then be issued.
Training provider: We Can Do Business
Target audience: Childminders, Early years setting managers, Out of school settings
Cost: £ Fully funded
Click here to book using code BB02 and a link to the video and any supporting resources will be emailed to you.
Business Bites 3 - How to promote your business
This Business Bites course is the third of a set of four training videos designed to be accessed in your own time.
Please note: To get the most out of the four Business Bites courses it is advised that you access them in order, starting with Business Bites 1 - Planning for Success.
This training is a video of approx. 30 mins in duration and will cover:
- Business promotion online
- The importance of a website to a successful and sustainable business
- Why social media?
- Setting up your profile and planning your content
- Building and growing your community on social media
- What are brand assets and why are they important?
At the end of the video, you will be required to complete a short quiz to assess your learning and to provide feedback via an evaluation form. A certificate will then be issued.
Training provider: We Can Do Business
Target audience: Childminders, Early years setting managers, Out of school settings
Cost: £ Fully funded
Click here to book using code BB03 and a link to the video and any supporting resources will be emailed to you.
Business Bites 4 - Budget. What budget?
This Business Bites course is the fourth of a set of four training videos designed to be accessed in your own time.
Please note: To get the most out of the four Business Bites courses it is advised that you access them in order, starting with Business Bites 1 - Planning for Success.
This training is a video of approx. 30 mins in duration and will cover:
- What is a budget and how is it different from cash flow?
- Why we don't budget and why we should
- Your budget in more detail - the steps to good budgeting
- Balancing the books and knowing your breakeven
- Credit control - healthy cash flow and reserves
- Making finances part of everyday conversations
At the end of the video, you will be required to complete a short quiz to assess your learning and to provide feedback via an evaluation form. A certificate will then be issued.
Training provider: We Can Do Business
Target audience: Childminders, Early years setting managers, Out of school settings
Cost: £ Fully funded
Click here to book using code BB04 and a link to the video and any supporting resources will be emailed to you.
Are you ready for your early years Ofsted inspection?
The aim of this training is to develop an understanding of an early years Ofsted inspection.
Training Objectives:
- To consider the role of Leaders and Managers during Ofsted inspections.
- Unpick the focus of methodology used and judgements made by Ofsted inspectors on site.
- To develop confidence in meeting the challenges presented during inspection.
Session 1 will include:
- Identify key similarities and changes to inspection criteria.
- The inspection process: what you should expect
- The learning walk
- Joint observations focusing on the 3 I's -Intent, Implementation and Impact, with a gap task.
Session 2 will include:
- Observations - review of gap activity
- Cultural capital
- Staff well-being
- The evaluation schedule - judgements
- Manager's/Childminders interview
- After the inspection
Training provider: Early Years Learning and Childcare
Target audience: Childminders, Early years setting managers
Cost: £ Fully funded
Code | Venue | Date | Time |
N225 | Online | Monday 12 May & 2 June 2025 | 9.30am-12pm |
N226 | Online | Tuesday 3 & 17 June 2025 | 6.30pm-9pm |
Click here to book, using the above code
Leaders, Managers and Childminders Termly Briefings
We host online briefing sessions each term covering early years national and local updates. The format also includes a questions and answers section; all questions must be submitted beforehand.
If you are successful in gaining a place on a session you will be sent a confirmation email.
At that point you can submit any questions by emailing earlyyearschildcare@norfolk.gov.uk
Questions must be submitted 48 hours before the start time of your allocated session.
Please only submit questions if you have been allocated a place.
Training provider: Early Years Learning and Childcare
Target audience: Childminders, Early years setting leaders and managers
Cost: £ Fully funded
Code | Venue | Date | Time |
Spring term 2025 | |||
N125 | Online | Tuesday 4 March 2025 | 10am-11.30am |
N199 | Norwich, The Nest | Tuesday 4 March 2025 | 7pm-8.30pm |
N126 | Online | Wednesday 5 March 2025 | 7pm-8.30pm |
N127 | Online | Thursday 6 March 2025 | 2pm-3.30pm |
Summer term 2025 | |||
N233 | Norwich, The Nest | Wednesday 11 June 2025 | 7pm-8.30pm |
N234 | Online | Thursday 12 June 2025 | 2pm-3.30pm |
N235 | Online | Friday 13 June 2025 | 10am-11.30am |
N236 | Online | Tuesday 17 June 2025 | 7pm-8.30pm |
Click here to book, using the above codes
Leading Inclusively
The challenges for leaders and managers of early years settings have increased significantly and continue to grow with the introduction of new initiatives and demands in the sector and the workplace.
The manager of an early years setting must 'manage', direct and control resources and people, as well as 'lead', set a vision for the organisation and develop the people within it to move (and want to move!) forward.
It is important to differentiate but also complement...
We need to distinguish the difference between leadership and management, both of which are considered necessary. Leadership and management are often used interchangeably, but they are two distinctive and complementary processes.
In this 3-day programme we will be looking at the role of Early Years Managers as both managers and leaders. The three days are spread out allowing for attendees to reflect on their own roles and responsibilities and to carry out work-based tasks relevant to the discussions and learning in sessions. There will also be the opportunity to access individual mentoring support between the sessions.
Day 1 - Understanding the framework for role as manager and leader.
- Setting expectations and goals for programme and session.
- Defining individual's role and expectations within the organisation.
- Leadership and management - defining and understanding importance of both within the role of manager.
- Ofsted expectations in achieving outstanding leadership in early years.
- Understanding the importance of team and dynamics.
- Understanding the role as manager/leader within the team.
Interim task and line manager briefing sheet.
Day 2 - Focussing on individual's role of leader and manager.
- Setting expectations and goals for session.
- Understanding your own leadership style and how to use effectively in managing the team.
- Characteristics of a high performing team.
- Understanding team dynamics and manager role within it (e.g., 5 stages of team formation).
- The manager and leader as coach and mentor (using GROW model).
- Managing team and resources.
- Understanding role of manager in developing and growing the business.
Interim task and line manager briefing sheet.
Day 3 - Developing skills and knowledge as leader and manager.
- Setting expectations and goals for session.
- Developing, supporting, motivating and encouraging through effective role modelling.
- Managing difficult conversations in the workplace.
- Understanding the importance of vision and strategy for the organisation, team and individuals.
- Importance of self-evaluation and of others.
- Action planning and next steps.
Refreshments will be provided but please take your own lunch.
Training provider: We Can Do Business
Target audience: Childminders, Early years setting leaders and managers, Out of school setting leaders and managers
Cost: £50 per person
Code | Venue | Date | Time |
N263 | Norwich, The Nest | Tuesday 14 October and 4 & 25 November 2025 | 9.30am-3.30pm |
Click here to book, using the above code
Early Years Funding and Portal Sessions
The Early Years Finance Team are offering fully funded online sessions to support providers to claim funding and use the Provider Portal. Sessions are suitable for those new to claiming or anyone that needs an update.
Provider Portal - Submit your Funding Claim with Q&A
A group session to demonstrate how to submit your funding claim; includes a question and answer session.
Code | Venue | Date | Time |
N257 | Online | Wednesday 30 April 2025 | 6.30pm-7.30pm |
N258 | Online | Thursday 1 May 2025 | 10am-10.45am |
N259 | Online | Thursday 1 May 2025 | 1.30pm-2.15pm |
Click here to book, using the above codes
Provider Portal Overview - Funding Module
A group session to explain early education and demonstrate the funding module.
- Documentation and use of calculators
- Eligibility checks
- Extended offer
- Submit estimates
- Submit actuals
Code | Venue | Date | Time |
N253 | Online | Tuesday 1 April 2025 | 1.30pm-3.45pm |
N254 | Online | Tuesday 29 April 2025 | 6.30pm-8.30pm |
N255 | Online | Wednesday 30 April 2025 | 10.30am-12.30pm |
Click here to book, using the above codes
Provider Portal Bitesize Overview (Staff, Course, Forms, Sufficiency and Funding)
A group session demonstrating each module. The aim of this session is to offer a 'how to guide' to use each module.
- Updating your staff records
- Book courses and events
- Submit electronic forms
- Submit your place numbers and vacancies
- Submit funding claims
NB: For those new to claiming early education, it is recommended that the 2-hour overview is booked too.
Code | Venue | Date | Time |
N256 | Online | Wednesday 30 April 2025 | 1.30pm-3pm |
Click here to book, using the above code
Provider Portal - Review and Submit your Staff Records with Q&A (Childminders with Assistants only)
A group session demonstrating how to add staff members to the Portal.
Code | Venue | Date | Time |
N260 | Online | Thursday 1 May 2025 | 2.30pm-3.15pm |
Click here to book, using the above code
Provider Portal - Review and Submit your Sufficiency Records with Q&A
A group session to demonstrate how to review and submit your sufficiency records on the Portal.
Code | Venue | Date | Time |
N261 | Online | Wednesday 30 April 2025 | 7.30pm-8pm |
N262 | Online | Thursday 1 May 2025 | 3.30pm-4pm |
Click here to book, using the above code
Bespoke Training
An opportunity to book a bespoke training session for your team who need support to claim early years funding, such as Early Education, SEND, Disability Access Fund and EY Pupil Premium or have several queries concerning a claim.
Please email the finance team to book at earlyyearsfinance@norfolk.gov.uk
Training provider: Early Years Finance
Target audience: Childminders, Early years settings
Cost: £ Fully funded
Roles and Responsibilities of the Early Years Committee
Coming soon as an e-learning delivery. We will update this page with details as soon as possible.
Supervision Training
'Effective supervision provides support, coaching and training for the practitioner and promotes the interests of children. Supervision should foster a culture of mutual support, teamwork and continuous improvement, which encourages the confidential discussion of sensitive issues.' EYFS 2024.
Designed for early years practitioners, managers and leaders, this three-session training course equips participants with the tools to create a reflective, nurturing, and accountable supervision culture.
Pen Green's supervision training focuses on:
- Building strong, trusting relationships.
- Encouraging reflective practice.
- Introducing relevant models of supervision.
- Practice sessions to consider approaches and strategies within supervision.
The first day will be delivered in-person at The Nest. Lunch and refreshments included.
The second session will be an online one-to-one between each delegate and the tutor; individual times to be agreed.
The third session will be a half-day online delivery.
Training provider: Pen Green
Target audience: Early years practitioners, managers and leaders
Cost: £ Fully funded
Code | Venue | Date | Time |
N198 | The Nest, Norwich Online Online | Wednesday 19 March Wednesday 23 April Tuesday 20 May 2025 | 9.30am-4pm Individual time will be allocated 9.30am-12.30pm |
Click here to book, using the above code
Provider Surgeries
Norfolk County Council are running some Provider Surgeries where members of the Early Years Learning & Childcare Team and Early Years Finance Team will be available for one-to-one guidance and support. These sessions are being held both online and face to face and will allow you to have a 45 minute individual conversation with us regarding any of the challenges and issues currently facing your provision.
Dates and locations
Monday 17 March - The Nest, Norwich (9am-7.45pm) - Fully booked - Please email for advice
Wednesday 19 March - Online via Teams (9am-11.45am) - Fully booked - Please email for advice
Thursday 20 March - Online via Teams (9am-11.45am) - Fully booked - Please email for advice
Monday 24 March - Online via Teams (1pm-7.45pm) - Fully booked - Please email for advice
45 min slots are available during the times specified above.
How to book
Email earlyyearschildcare@norfolk.gov.uk and state:
- Your name, setting and phone number (more than one member of staff may attend from the same setting. Please give the names of ALL attendees in your email).
- Which session you would like to book on and your preferred time. A member of the team will contact you to advise whether that slot is available or offer you an alternative option.
- What aspects of your provision you need advice on (e.g. business support/planning, funding, expanding your provision, sustainability).
Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.