Publication of Finance Focus Newsletter from the Education Finance Team

The Education Finance team has published this month's Finance Focus newsletter.
As it's been a little while since our last newsletter, this edition is a bumper one with a number of important articles and information, so please take the time to read through carefully.
In this edition there is information about an upgrade to the Budget Planner Software, an upcoming deadline for submission of lease information, and information on the Dedicated Schools Grant consultation.
In addition, there are a couple of articles regarding energy - an update to ESPO Gas & Electricity pricing, and some guidance on making payments to Total Energies.
Not to be left out, there are a couple of articles regarding purchasing cards and a reminder of the Star Accounts Payroll function that was originally launched last summer.
Finally, there is news from the Training Team, including a link to the recording of the recently held webinar session introducing the new web version upgrade of Star Accounts.