Element 3 - current position
Norfolk County Council's democratic process concluded with the Cabinet agreeing the increase in budget to £35m for Element 3 for 2024-25 financial year (April 2024 to March 2025).

We want to provide an update to mainstream education settings on the status of Element 3 (high needs top-up) funding allocations for autumn 2024 and spring 2025 terms. The communication covers all school age years up to and including year 11, including Enhanced SEND Provisions (ESPs)
We are pleased to confirm that Norfolk County Council's democratic process has been concluded with the Cabinet agreeing the increase in budget to £35m for Element 3 for 2024-25 financial year (April 2024 to March 2025).
Finance Officers have contacted education settings requesting attendance information for new Yr R and Yr 7 children - many thanks to those settings who have responded. This information will enable our Schools' Funding team to prepare to distribute individual school's allocations and will determine the final amounts due. Therefore, please ensure we have received this information by 26 September to enable the next stage of the process to be concluded correctly and as quickly as possible.
Once we have this information and the final allocations are confirmed, we will share these allocations with schools via the SEN Memo within Norfolk's budget share tracker, and distribution of funds will take place shortly after. Further information will be shared when this is available.
We thank schools for their continued patience and support in awaiting this allocation and encourage all to engage with the upcoming consultation process for the Dedicated Schools Grant for 2024/25. It is due to begin on 1 October, with virtual and face-to-face engagement events planned - please use this opportunity to help inform ways forward for the medium/longer term arrangements for SEND support within Norfolk mainstream school for the future.