Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT): Graduated Offer of support for schools and settings
Our Locally delivered in-person CPD, GRT Next offers contextualised and tailored training sessions for established GRT Champions delivered by a GRT Adviser, covering topics such as pedagogy, assessment, and differentiation.
GRT Next! will help you:
- Use evidence-based assessment, teaching and learning strategies with consistency across your school
- Make the most of your learning assistants by providing them with clear guidance, feedback and professional development
- Conduct a learning walk to identify strengths and areas for improvement in your GRT provision
- Use data and observations to track the progress and needs of your GRT learners and plan appropriate support
- Design and deliver effective interventions to address gaps in academic and social needs
- Engage with families and communities to support GRT CYP academic and social development
- Be able to lead a staff inset session
- Work towards schemes that build the school culture and have been recognised by Ofsted including Young Interpreters and Schools of Sanctuary.
Find out more, access the universal offer and book your places by following the links, or email queries to
To request support with a GRT child or young person please ring the Family and Professional Helpline (FPH) 0333 3137165.
Last modified:
14 January 2025