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Alternative Provision

The first Alternative Provision (AP) Centre has been registered at King's Lynn Academy, supporting secondary students who are at risk of exclusion.

Our AP model, developed with schools, expands the outreach and prevention support on offer. The strategy is still based on the DfE three-tiered approach to provide a continuum of support for children who are at risk of exclusion.

The outreach and prevention offer will ensure school staff have access to high quality training, including the Norfolk Secondary Steps programme and Trauma Informed training, in partnership with the Norfolk Virtual School.

To support the transition of pupils who are vulnerable to suspension and or exclusion in Key Stage 3, we will be piloting a targeted offer of outreach support to provide direct interventions for children, during summer 2025, prior to their transition into the next academic year.

For pupils who need support to prevent their needs escalating, we have enhanced our plan to create Early Intervention Bases and Alternative Provision Centres across Norfolk.

  • Nine Early Intervention classes are planned to open from September 2025, and will provide support, intervention and assessment for up to one term for up to 90 pupils.
  • Following the first Alternative Provision Centre opening this term, a further nine are planned, creating 224 places for intensive support and intervention for up to three terms. The next centres will be opening from September 2026.

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