News for Norfolk Education Providers
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New transition principles of practice and welcome packs available
This resource pack features some essential 'Principles of Practice,' detailing five evidence-based principles designed to facilitate successful transitions. Additionally, it includes tailored 'Welcome Packs' to support the transitions of specific groups of children and young people.
New TA CPD Pathway - fully-funded and remotely accessible!
This recommended TA CPD pathway aims to enhance their skills and knowledge in various aspects of their role. The courses are designed to complement the existing induction and mentoring programs that schools and trusts may offer to their teaching assistants to develop their professional practice and career progression and meet the needs of their school community so that all children and young people in Norfolk can Flourish.
New one-minute guides to support effective and inclusion provision in your school/setting
The One-minute guides (OMGs) offer information and helpful signposting in an accessible format. The guides cover a range of topics as well as providing information about specific services and processes.
Take 5 minutes to watch our bite-sized briefing and instantly improve your provision for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children and young people with our quick wins!
Simple Steps to Successful Starts!
Take 5 minutes to watch our Simple Steps to Successful Starts bite-sized briefing from our Norfolk Steps team to help settle children and young people back to school after the summer holidays
Take 5 minutes to watch our bite-sized briefing to instantly improve your provision for children and young people who have English as an Additional Language with our quick wins
Important changes to how you access Interpretation Services
Read and action now to secure funding and ensure compliance with equalities and safeguarding duties
SEND Forum Autumn 2024
The SEND Forum is back in Autumn 2024 with a focus on "Learning" from the FLOURISH Framework. The termly Forum brings together Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) professionals in education, health, and social care to learn, share and develop provision across Norfolk.
Emotional wellbeing and mental health support for children and young people under 25
Resources available to children and young people under 25 in Norfolk and Waveney for emotional wellbeing and mental health support.