News for Norfolk Education Providers
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Communication & Language Questionnaire
Please complete a short questionnaire to help the Early Years and Childcare Team to understand your top priorities when supporting speech, language and communication development in your EYFS provision, so that we can effectively plan and target future support via our Communication Hub networks.
All you need to support children and young people with English as an additional language in your school/setting
The fully-funded support offers a comprehensive and flexible programme, providing schools and settings with the guidance and tools to meet the needs of children and young people (CYP) with English as an additional language (EAL).
INTRAN services and training for schools
INTRAN's interpretation and translation services can bridge the communication gap. Join our training sessions to confidently overcome language barriers in school settings, with step-by-step guidance, live demonstrations, and best practice tips.
Education Finance Summer 2024 RAG
Subsidised trees available to order as Norfolk County Council aims to hit 600,000 trees for Norfolk
Home to School Transport Queries
For more specific enquiries or issues relating to transport into your school/college please contact the Home to School Transport Operations Team.
"Working on Worries (WoW): Fully Funded Training for Primary School Support Staff to Deliver Parent-led CBT for Child Anxiety Problems
Two consecutive days of in-person training on the 9 and 10 of October, supplemented by a day of online training on the 7 of November that enables schools to offer the intervention in an online format.
PGCE Teacher Training Information Sessions at the UEA
The prejudice-based incident reporting now due
All schools are required to submit a prejudice-based incident report for the academic year 23-24. This includes a nil return, which means schools must report even if they have not recorded any incidents. The deadline for submitting the report is 25 October 2024.
Launch of the New SEND and Inclusion Support Line
We know that schools and parents can sometimes find it difficult to find the information they need, being able to talk to someone to navigate the support on offer will help ensure that the right support is available at the right time, first time; therefore we are providing a support line service.