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A Learning Ambition for Norfolk, through the Norfolk Learning Collaborative: Update, May 2024

Highlights of actions and progress from The Learning Ambition for Norfolk, supporting and delivering the goals of the Norfolk Learning Collaborative.

eCourier - a new look


We have been listening to feedback from a range of school and setting leaders over the past few months and have changed the way we share relevant news and information with you

Safeguarding update - May 24


Financially motivated sexual extortion: an alert for education settings, Multi-agency chronologies for child protection conferences, ACT for Education E-learning Guidance, Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA)

DfE Call for Evidence - Safeguarding children in schools and colleges


The Department for Education is seeking views on child safeguarding practice in schools and colleges to inform their safeguarding in schools and colleges policy.

Asbestos control and management compliance code - update and action


The Asbestos control and management compliance code has been updated. Headteachers should complete the revised asbestos management plan document, implement the correct controls, as detailed in F602 and in the updated compliance code, and ensure that relevant staff have completed the required training.

New Education Job Finder

We are pleased to announce that EducationHR has re-launched Education Job Finder with a new system provider. This means improved functionality and more developments to come, to support you with your recruitment needs.