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School exclusions

Access guidance, procedures, forms and templates regarding the exclusions process

There are statutory requirements and procedures that must be followed when excluding a child from school. The following documents and links will take you to relevant national guidance and local procedures, as well as tools to support you to fulfil statutory responsibilities.

If you cannot find what you are looking for or require any further advice about the exclusions process, call the Exclusions Team on 01603 307727 or email

General guidance

Forms and templates

Guidance for governors and hearings

Advice and support from the Inclusion Helpline

If you require support or advice around the inclusion of children and young people at risk of exclusion, call the Inclusion Helpline on 01603 307736.

Advisers will ask questions to gain a clear understanding of the issues and context. They'll then make some suggestions regarding possible solutions and ways to support the child or young person and, if appropriate, signpost you to some external providers.

The helpline is open to any school or academy.

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