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KeyData guide

KeyData - attainment and progress

A KeyData quick guide which briefly describes each feature of the attainment and progress section of KeyData is available in the main guidance section. This guidance article describes the data in more detail.

Data sources:

EYFSP/Yr 1 Phonics/KS1 – Assessments submitted by schools to the Local Authority

KS2 – assessments and test results as submitted by schools to the STA, and subsequently provided by the DfE to the local authority (LA). School-level figures are based on the latest data available to the LA (see Status of Data section, below). Note: Blank or greyed out boxes mean there is no valid result or score available.

Information about methodology

Where there have been changes in the methodology used to calculate attainment and progress results then the revised methodology is applied to the year in which it was introduced, and is not normally applied to previous years, unless otherwise stated.


This is an indicator to show the trend over the past three years (so any measure that does not have 3 years of data will not display).

The different trend indicators are as follows:

  • ↑↑ - Improvement over previous two years
  • ↑ - Improvement over previous year
  • ↓↓ - Decline over previous two years
  • ↓ - Decline over previous year
  • ↓↑ - Volatility/variability (decline followed by improvement)
  • ↑↓ - Volatility/variability (improvement followed by decline)
  • = - No change from previous year(s)
  • (blank) - (Any other changes in results or data not available)

Gender gap and FSM6/CLA gap

This is the percentage gap in attainment/progress between the 2 pupil groups (ie between boys and girls, and between FSM6/CLA pupils and their peers). The value displayed is the difference between the higher and the lower result, regardless of which group is higher. In KeyData, clicking on the school result will open a new window giving a detailed breakdown, ie gender split/pupil numbers, national data.

(See contextual guidance for information about the source of FSM6/CLA data.)

National data

The source of the national figures used in KeyData is always quoted in the 'status of data' section at the bottom of each part of KeyData. Early releases may use a 'proxy' unofficial national figure, and later releases will use DfE-published 'provisional' and then 'validated' national figures.

If a different figure is used, then this will be shown in the status of data section. Whichever is used, it will always be based on the 'LA maintained schools and academies, including special schools' figure, unless quoted otherwise.

Norfolk results

Norfolk results include all LA-maintained schools and academies, and the special schools.

Colour-coded rating

The colour rating system compares the school results against the national results – a key has been provided at the bottom of each Key Stage section. The colour rating is not available for all measures, so no colour indicates that rating has not been possible.

Size of cohort

When applying the colour rating to school-level results, the size of the cohort is taken into consideration – the rating is within a tolerance of one pupil. This is to reduce the potential significant impact of one pupil’s result in a small cohort. This is only applied to results that are based on a percentage result. Any results based on points scores do not take into account the cohort-size and are simply rated against the national scores.

(Norfolk data is rated just on the results, with the size of cohort not taken into account.)


If the removal of one pupil’s result takes the school below the national average, then that school is still classed as in line with the national average. Similarly, where a school below the national average only needs one additional pupil to be on or above the national average, that school is also classed as in line with national.

Example: A school has a small KS1 cohort of 9. One pupil equals 11% of the overall cohort, therefore 1 pupil’s result can affect the overall school result by up to 11%.

Say the school result for KS1 Reading L2+ is 81% and the national average is 70%. Because one pupil’s results can make 11% difference to a school’s results, the school result could have been 70% (81-11) – so this school is classed as 'in line with' national.

Say the school result for KS1 Reading L2+ is 63% and the national average is 70%. Because one pupil’s results can make 11% difference to a school’s results, the school result could have been 74% (63+11) – so this school is classed as 'in line with' national.

This is only applied to results that are based on a percentage result. Any results based on points scores do not take into account the cohort-size and are simply rated against the national scores.

Size of school

Schools with a year group cohort of fewer than 6, and all special schools, will not have a colour-coded rating.

For schools with a year group cohort of 6 or more, ALL measures shown in KeyData based on PP: FSM6/CLA are colour-coded - regardless of the PP: FSM6/CLA-eligible size of cohort.

Status of data

Each Keystage has a status of data section that tells you what version of data has been used for school-level and national-level figures


Once the DfE publish 'validated' KS2 school data, KeyData will be updated with this validated data. Dates of significant releases will be publicised using the news section of Perspective.

Please use the Contact Us/Please let us know link on each KeyData/KeyDataPlus webpage if you have any queries.

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