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KeyData guide

Contextual data

Source - January school census

General - School figures are expressed as numbers and percentages with an explanatory key on the column headings. Norfolk and national figures are only displayed as percentages.

Numbers on Roll (NoR) - The number of pupils on roll for the whole school, including nursery, where relevant.

Cohort size - The number of pupils in the year group who were included in the calculations for attainment.

PP: FSM6/CLA - The number and percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals now or in the past 6 years, AND pupils classed as Looked After. This data is not based directly on the school census, but on a data file supplied by the DfE to all schools and LAs in the summer. The first release of this data is based on up-to-date FSM6 data and the previous year’s numbers of Looked After pupils. If revised data is received from the DfE, then this section will be updated with final data (tbn).

FSM6 - The number and percentage of pupils eligible for free school meals now or in the past 6 years. This data is not based directly on the school census, but on a data file supplied by the DfE to all schools and LAs in the summer. The first release of this data is based on up-to-date FSM6 data. If revised data is received from the DfE, then this section will be updated with final data (tbn).

SEN - The number and percentage of pupils in each type of SEN category, and a total for all SEN pupils (all types of SEN)


The methodology used to calculate the contextual data in KeyData is the same as the methodology used in the DfE performance tables. Use the Contact us/Please let us know link on each KeyData/KeyDataPlus webpage if you have any queries.

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