Building maintenance partnership

The BMP5 is a project to help schools manage delegated repairs, maintenance and legislative and statutory responsibilities.

It's a collective, non-profit making building maintenance project owned by member schools and is managed on behalf of the member schools by the BMP Board.

Schools pay an agreed premium for membership of the BMP and NPS Property Consultants Ltd (the property services provider) manage all maintenance requirements.

The new BMP5 project is the fifth scheme offered to all maintained eligible Norfolk Schools and began on 1 April 2020 for a five year period.

Two levels of membership are offered:

  • Full Membership, which includes the compliance package and covers all revenue maintenance
  • Compliance Membership, ensuring that schools are legal

For any further information in regard to BMP5, email or

View the BMP5 2020-25 prospectus (PDF, 823 KB).

Also see the links to the right for the latest meeting agenda and minutes.

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