School premises shared use policy
Charging for shared use
Schools can fix their own level of charge, and are advised to charge, as a minimum, enough to cover their overheads for caretaker costs, energy and wear and tear, for use of the school premises outside of the normal school hours (deemed to be 8am - 6pm).
Caretaking staff
The payment of caretaking staff carrying out duties connected with the use of school premises, after 6pm Monday to Friday or at weekends, are made in accordance with national agreements.
Details of this scale of payments are available from your HR contact in the Children's Services HR Team.
Polling stations
Schools may charge the returning officer any additional costs incurred by the use of their premises outside of normal school hours. Invoices should be sent to the returning offices of the appropriate council.
Parish council use
The Local Government Act 1972 (Part IV Section 134) allows a parish council to use a suitable room in school premises maintained by the local authority free of charge at all reasonable times.
Rooms may be used at the school for parish council meetings provided there is no interference with their use for educational purposes.
Any additional costs incurred by the governors for heating, lighting and caretaker's overtime and costs of repairs to any damage, will be charged to the parish council.
Use by other groups
The groups below should be charged for use of school premises outside of the normal school hours and be invoiced direct:
- Adult Education
- Children's Services:
- Early Years Support Network
- Governor Support/Network
- Finance/ICT
- Advisory Service
- Sensory Support
- Music Service
- Childminding Association
- Early Years Childcare and Extended Schools
- National Union of Teachers - invoices should be sent to the Children's Services HR Business Partner, County Hall, Martineau Lane, NR1 2DL
- Active Norfolk