Curriculum review and support

We can provide support for various aspects of your curriculum. The focus of the curriculum review will be agreed with your school and could be either a whole school review or targeted on a specific area of focus. It will provide an external view to support the leadership of your school to evidence where there are strengths and priority areas for development.

It will be an opportunity to reflect on current provision and how well your curriculum intent is reflected in implementation across subjects and year groups. A review will enable subject leaders to confirm if there is clear, planned coherence that identifies key concepts which are revisited on a regular basis.

The review could include:

  • Analysis of curriculum strengths and priorities for development
  • Interviews with middle leaders regarding curriculum implementation and impact
  • Interviews and/or surveys with pupils regarding engagement and challenge in their lessons
  • Scrutiny of pupils' work across key stages and curriculum areas
  • Observations or learning walks

To find out more or if you have any other requests, get in touch via our support team on 01603 307710 or email

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