Identifying needs and promoting positive behaviours
This "Identifying needs and promoting positive behaviours" padlet of resources has been developed to support you in supporting children and young people (CYP) with low level behaviours that challenge. The resources and guidance aim to help you to understand individual CYP's needs and experiences, identify key triggers and functions and plan for positive behaviours.
The padlet is organised in a way which guides you through step by step:
- How do I know if a CYP needs support with their behaviour?
- What do I need to do?
- Checklist - Step by step of what to do to support a CYP with their behaviour
- Analysis tools - Tools to help identify the needs and experiences behind behaviours as well as helping to identify patterns, triggers and possible functions of behaviour
- CYP voice - Ideas and resources to support the collection of CYP voice
- Model behaviour support plan
- FAQs
All tools can be contextualised to meet your school and CYP needs.
The tools and guidance are helpful in identifying needs and promoting positive behaviours but do not replace relevant training such as Norfolk Steps.
If you are not yet a Norfolk Steps school, you may benefit from becoming one. Find out more at Norfolk Steps | Norfolk Services for Schools.
If you are a Norfolk Steps school, you may find our quick audit enables you to identify some areas where you would benefit from support in effectively embedding Steps principles across your school. Find the "Promoting positive behaviours audit tool" here.
If you would like some talk to a member of our inclusion team for additional support and guidance or you have a CYP who is at risk of exclusion, then please call 01603 307736.
Need further support?
Please call the SEND and inclusion support line on 0333 313 7165 to get in touch with one of our advisers. This phone line is open on weekdays, from 9am to 5pm.
See more (Go to Need further support?)