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Whole school approach to anti-bullying in schools

What do I need to record and report?

The information we hold in schools can provide valuable insights and help us to refine provision and support around bullying.

Use of online reporting

  • Using systems such as CPOMs allows all staff to log bullying incidents and receive feedback around actions taken if necessary.
  • Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) and other pastoral staff can have elevated access to the site, are alerted to all incidents, this helps to build a picture of what is happening for all children and young people (CYP) involved.
  • Advantages to using a system like CPOMs means reports can be generated and data can be analysed more easily.
  • When a CYP leaves and enrols in a new school or college, transfers of the individual CYP account can be made electronically if both schools are using the system.
  • These online systems are particularly useful for recording bullying as they help support schools to collate incidents that can be easily analysed to determine patterns and emerging trends which may require further action by the school.

Filtering and monitoring systems

Reporting to the police

Most bullying incidents are not crimes. But some types of bullying are illegal and should be reported to the police: