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English as an additional language (EAL) for Early Years

Language Line

What is Language Line?

Language Line is a telephone interpreting service that helps individuals who don't share a common language to speak to each other. An interpreter converts the spoken language from one language to another, enabling listeners and speakers to understand each other. Language Line uses professional qualified interpreters ensuring both parties are able to communicate their needs clearly.

Why we sometimes need to use professional interpreters

If it is clear an interpreter is required, then it is strongly recommended a professional interpreter be used. Failure to provide, or failure to provide the right standards of interpretation, could lead to worse outcomes and ultimately higher costs for both service users and your organisation. Research shows using friends, family members (it is always inappropriate to use children) or untrained/unqualified interpreters often risks compromising accuracy, misinterpretations, neutrality, omissions, additions and may result in breaches of confidentiality.

How much does it cost and how do I access it?

This service is funded by Norfolk County Council's Early Years and Childcare team for all early years providers in the private, voluntary and independent sectors, including childminders.

If you would like to use Language Line please email

Information you will need when using Language Line

  • Access code - available from Early Years and Childcare
  • Name of your organisation
  • Your name and language needed
  • Your clients telephone number, if they are not with you
  • Context of the conversation

How to use the telephone interpreting service

If the non-English speaker IS with you:

  1. Dial 0800 169 2694
  2. Give ID code and organisation name to operator
  3. Request language
  4. Non-English speaker connected to interpreter

If the non-English speaker is NOT with you:

  1. Dial 0800 169 2694
  2. Give ID code and organisation name to operator
  3. Request language
  4. Give non-English speaker's phone no. to operator
  5. Operator calls non-English speaker
  6. Non-English speaker connected to interpreter

Following any use of this service you must let Early Years and Childcare know the duration time of any conversations as Language Line charge per minute.

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