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Partnership with parents

Working with parents is essential to ensure a positive experience for children throughout the early years. This is particularly important where a child has a special educational need.

Clear and honest communication is needed, within a framework of mutual trust and respect. There should be no assumption about what parents can or cannot do to support their child's learning. Lack of involvement may be due to any number of factors, including fear, lack of confidence or awareness. It is important to find ways to include parents.

Suggestions around collecting information and supporting children when they first start in a setting, are included within the Settling in page of the Autism friendly practice section.

Support for parents

Some parents may need extra support. Systems should be put in place to support families throughout their time at a setting:

  • Ensure time is planned to discuss progress, including ongoing discussions regarding the child's support plan
  • Norfolk SENDIASS is an impartial service providing information and support for young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families. They can signpost to other voluntary groups and services
  • SEND Local Offer website provides information about services and provision available for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities