Safeguarding news
This page shows safeguarding news only. Use our search to find all of our updates and use the filter to see news for you.

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) Webinar: The Family Help Model, 1-2pm Wednesday 27 November
This webinar will be led by Jenifer Dewar, Norfolk County Council's Assistant Director of Family Help and High Needs. DSLs will have the opportunity to learn more about the new Family Help Teams that are providing multi-disciplinary support to vulnerable children and families in Norfolk.

INTRAN and Anti-Bullying Week 2024: Addressing Silent Suffering
Information from INTRAN on supporting children and young people and best practice tips for using interpretation services.

Networking Event for Educators & Early Years Professionals - 12 Nov 24
Free networking event at Open Academy.

Bite Sized Briefing: Anti-Bullying Week
Watch our newly launched bite sized briefing, supporting your school or setting to celebrate Anti-Bullying Week as easily as possible.

Gangs and County Lines awareness session for parents and carers
Details of a session on 14 November being run by St Giles on behalf of the NSCP for parents and carers about Gangs and County Lines.

Domestic Homicide Review Webinar on 08 November 2024
This webinar will focus on working with perpetrators and understanding what programmes are in place in Norfolk to support active work with perpetrators of domestic abuse.

Safeguarding Webinar for Designated Safeguarding Leads from Matthew Project and Change Grow Live
This 60-minute webinar from The Matthew Project and Change Grow Live (CGL) is for trained DSLs.

EYFS / Early Years and Childcare Training Spring 2025
This training is now available to book on our website.

Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse newsletter
DSLs may already be aware of the range of helpful resources available to assist education settings from the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse but they also publish a monthly newsletter. DSLs can keep up to date with the latest publications, events and opportunities from the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre) in their monthly newsletter.

Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership working with fathers good practice workshops
Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) has identified Father Inclusivity as a priority for the partnership. Places are available for the November and December good practice workshops with further details about Father Inclusive practice in the article.

Reducing Parental Conflict: Triple P Family Transitions Groups Autumn Term
Triple P Family Transitions is for parents who are divorced, separating, or separated and are finding it difficult to communicate in a healthy form, and the children are getting caught in the middle of their conflict. Autumn group sessions are now available.

Gangs and Serious Youth Violence awareness-raising sessions
St. Giles is offering a range of virtual awareness raising sessions during autumn term for professionals and parents and carers.