DBS checks: administrative charges update

Norfolk County Council (NCC) will be changing its charging arrangements for DBS checks and Barred List checks with effect from 1 April 2025. NCC is a DBS registered body that provides a DBS processing service to schools, NCC services and any external organisation (e.g. taxi or other transport service provider) seeking the services of an umbrella body to complete their checks
With effect from 1 April 2025, all maintained schools and academies (and NCC departments) will be required to pay an administration fee of £6.25 per check. For others making request for DBS check through NCC as an umbrella body, the administration fee will be £25.00.
These administration charges will be in addition to the actual price of the DBS check. Those prices recently increased to £49.50 for enhanced checks and £21.50 for basic/standard applications.
Where a Children's Barred List check only is required, there is no price for the check itself, but there will be an administration charge of £2.50.
VAT will be charged in addition to administration charges where required.